Month of March
US State Capital
Classic Movies
Mammals of U.S

In the original Roman calendar which month was March?





Answer: First

March was originally the first month, but when Julius Caesar reformed the calendar it became the third month.


Which state capital shares its name with a singer who died in a 1997 plane crash, an omelet filled with ham & green peppers, and an actor from "Gilligan's Island"?





Answer: Denver


Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha. Martha was upset because Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to him speak. What were the first words he said to Martha (in the King James Version)?

 'Martha, sit and listen'

 'Martha, Martha'

 'Mary knows what is needed'

 'If you love me....'

Answer: 'Martha, Martha'


Benjamin Braddock has graduated from college, and is trying to decide what to do with the rest of his life. "Plastics?" He begins an affair with an older woman, then promptly falls in love with her daughter. The film is "The Graduate", the older woman is Mrs. Robinson, and she is very unhappy with this turn of events. Who plays Mrs. Robinson?

 Anne Bancroft

 Anouk Aimee

 Anne Baxter


Answer: Anne Bancroft

The late Anne Bancroft was nominated for an Oscar for her work in the film. She received five nominations during her career, with one win for "The Miracle Worker" in 1962. She was married to the comedian and director Mel Brooks, and co-starred with him in several films. This 1967 film marks the debut of one of our finest actors, Dustin Hoffman.


What is the largest member of the weasel family in the U.S.?

 River otter


 Spotted skunk


Answer: Wolverine

All of these animals are in the weasel family (Mustelidae), but the wolverine is largest.


For which of the Roman gods is March named?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Mars

Mars was the Roman god of war.


Which state capital shares its name with a spy who claims to be an "International Man of Mystery," a former wrestler who knocked the competition out "Stone Cold," and an Australian-born country music singer?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Austin


Why were the people of Israel forbidden to eat pork?

 Swine have cloven hooves

 Swine do not chew cud

 Swine chew cud

 Swine smell bad and are dirty

Answer: Swine do not chew cud


"Singin' in the Rain" stars Gene Kelly and Jean Hagen as silent film stars making the difficult transition to "talkies", with Donald O'Connor as Kelly's best pal. The film also features a young actress as Kelly's love interest. Name this multi-talented star.

 Jane Powell

 Debbie Reynolds

 Kathryn Grayson

 Ann Miller

Answer: Debbie Reynolds

"Singin' in the Rain" is one of Debbie Reynolds' first films. She has gone on to star in many light comedy and musical films, and has been well-loved by the public for many years. She continues to work on television and in Las Vegas. Gene Kelly (the co-director as well as star) has said that he was very rough on her during the filming, and hadn't actually wanted her for the part. According to Debbie Reynolds, the making of "Singin' in the Rain" was the hardest job she ever had.


These unusual mammals always give birth to a set of identical quadruplets.





Answer: Armadillos

This is unique among mammals.


What is most commonly considered the flower for March?





Answer: Daffodil

The daffodil symbolizes spring and rebirth.


Which state capital shares its name with one of the two first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War, a variety of grape, and a trans-Atlantic supersonic passenger jet (with the original English spelling)?





Answer: Concord


Who was Miriam?

 Sister to Jesus

 Mother of John the Baptist

 Wife of Moses

 Sister to Moses and Aaron

Answer: Sister to Moses and Aaron


Terry Malloy is a boxer turned longshoreman who witnesses a murder, and struggles with his conscience over it. Marlon Brando stars as the man who "could have been a contender" in the 1954 film "On the Waterfront". He falls in love with Edie, the lovely young sister of the murder victim. Name the actress who plays Edie Doyle.

 Tuesday Weld

 Tippi Hedren

 Eva Marie Saint

 Inger Stevens

Answer: Eva Marie Saint

Eva Marie Saint won an Oscar for her performance in this fine film. She went on to star in "A Hatful of Rain" in 1957, and then paired with Cary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest" in 1959. "On the Waterfront" is directed by Elia Kazan, and the cast includes Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger and Karl Malden.


What is the largest member of the order Carnivora found in the mainland United States?


 Black bear

 Mountain lion

 Grizzly bear

Answer: Grizzly bear

Grizzlies are members of the order Carnivora, even if they are omnivorous in diet.


 March has more than one birthstone. True or false?



Answer: True

Chalcedony (bloodstone) and aquamarine for courage.


Which state capital shares its name with a 1995 film about a man who retakes all of his childhood schooling in order to claim his inheritance, a university in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and the sports arena that is home to the New York Knicks?





Answer: Madison


 From what tree was Adam forbidden to eat fruit?


 The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil


 The Tree of the Serpent

Answer: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil


"Tootsie" is the story of an out-of-work actor, who has to resort to dressing up as a woman to get an acting job. He rockets to success as Dorothy Michaels, a soap opera actress. He goes on to fall for a co-worker, Julie. This puts him in quite a dilemma. Who plays Julie, the actress Michael falls for?

 Jessica Lange

 Geena Davis

 Teri Garr

 Ellen Foley

Answer: Jessica Lange

Jessica Lange got her start in films as the Fay Wray character in "King Kong" in 1976, and many thought she was just another pretty face. But she went on to star in "Frances" (1982) "Country" (1984) "Music Box" (1989) and "Sweet Dreams" (1985), and was Oscar nominated for all these performances.


This endangered mammal lives in prairie dog towns.

 Black-footed ferret

 Grasshopper mouse


 Ringtail cat

Answer: Black-footed ferret

The ferret obtains shelter in the burrows and eats the prairie dogs. Relentless slaughters of prairie dogs have wiped out much of its habitat.


Which of these occurs in March: a solstice or an equinox?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: equinox

An equinox is when day and night are the same length. In the northern hemisphere the vernal equinox occurs in March. In the southern hemisphere it is the autumnal equinox and can occur on March 19, 20, or 21.


Which state capital shares its name with a Baptist minister who became a civil rights activist, a filmmaker from New Zealand who directed the 2005 remake of "King Kong," and a 2002 Grammy Award-winning country music artist?





Answer: Jackson


What was the name of the child God gave Eve to replace her dead son Abel?





Answer: Seth


Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper are two bikers who decide to take a motorcycle trip from Los Angeles to the New Orleans Mardi Gras. We follow their adventures as they meet people along the way. They also pick up a lawyer with a great love for the bottle, who goes along for the ride. Who plays the lawyer?

 Warren Beatty

 Jack Nicholson

 Ron Liebman

 Harris Yulin

Answer: Jack Nicholson

The film is "Easy Rider" (1969), directed by Dennis Hopper. It was a landmark counter-culture film in the 1960's, a pretty good portrayal of how things were in that turbulent era. Jack Nicholson is one of the film industry's most respected actors.


What is the largest member of the deer family in the U.S.?


 Mule deer



Answer: Moose

All of these animals are members of the deer family.


 Complete this saying: 'Mad as a March ....'

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Hare

The behaviour of hares in the breeding season gave rise to the mad March hare saying. In Europe male hares make wild chases and have boxing matches!


Which state capital shares its name with an infamous set of witch trials, a North Carolina-based brand of cigarettes, and Stephen King's second published novel?





Answer: Salem


During the Feast of Weeks, described in Deuteronomy, what kind of offering was to be given to the Lord?

 A virgin sheep

 Snake blood

 20 denari

 A freewill offering

Answer: A freewill offering


Marlon Brando plays Stanley Kowalski in this 1951 film, and he holds back no emotion in his portrayal of a crude man who taunts Blanche, his wife Stella's sister. The film is "A Streetcar Named Desire", and Vivien Leigh is Blanche DuBois. Who plays Stella?

 Barbara Bel Geddes

 Judy Holliday

 Shelley Winters

 Kim Hunter

Answer: Kim Hunter

Kim Hunter was primarily a stage actress, and appeared in only a few films. She was one of many actors blacklisted during the McCarthy era for alleged communist sympathies. She played "Stella" in the original Broadway production of Tennessee Williams' play.


This rodent, also known as a coypu, is not native to the U.S., but colonized many areas after escaping from fur farms.





Answer: Nutria

It resembles a muskrat but isn't closely related. It came from South America.


There are several other sayings about March, perhaps the best known is 'March comes in like a lion and goes out like a ----?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Lamb


Which state capital shares its name with the fictional setting of "The Simpsons," the standard US military rifle of World War I, and the singer of the smash hit "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me"?





Answer: Springfield


Who was King Saul's army commander?





Answer: Abner


This film stars Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon as two musicians who witness a shooting, and are forced to flee for their lives, with gangsters in pursuit. They dress up as women and join an all-girl band, where they meet Sugar Kane, played by Marilyn Monroe. "Some Like It Hot" is one of the all time great comedies. Who played the gangster character "Spats Colombo" in the film?

 James Cagney

 George Raft

 Edward G. Robinson

 Humphrey Bogart

Answer: George Raft

George Raft made a career playing gangster parts, and here he parodies himself nicely. Raft actually started his show business career as a dancer and chorus boy.
Marilyn Monroe is in top form in "Some Like It Hot". The difficulties that many people appeared to have experienced in working with her seem to have been worth it, because she is great fun to watch here, and looking absolutely gorgeous. Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon are terrific as well. The 1958 film is directed by Billy Wilder.


This small member of the canid family is known for its tree-climbing ability.

 Red fox

 Gray fox

 Swift fox

 Kit fox

Answer: Gray fox

Only the grey fox climbs trees.


Caesar was told 'Beware the Ides of March' On what date are the ides?





Answer: 15th


Which state capital shares its name with an American retail merchandising company, an Academy Award nominee for "From Here to Eternity" and the name of a character on "Grey's Anatomy"?





Answer: Montgomery


 She is now known as the epitome of the wicked woman. What was the name of King Ahab's spouse?





Answer: Jezebel


"Bonnie and Clyde" is based on a true life couple, who robbed banks, killed police officers, and managed to evade the police for quite a while during the Great Depression. The title roles are played by Warren Beatty (Clyde Barrow) and Faye Dunaway (Bonnie Parker). Who plays Clyde's brother and fellow gang member, Buck Barrow?

 Robert Redford

 Harry Dean Stanton

 Robert Duvall

 Gene Hackman

Answer: Gene Hackman


Which of the following animals is not really a rabbit, but is instead a hare?

 Cottontail rabbit

 Marsh rabbit

 Audubon's rabbit


Answer: Jackrabbit

And the snowshoe rabbit is also really a hare.


 When are the first three days in March considered unlucky?

 When rain falls

 When the sun shines

 When the wind blows strongly

 When it is unseasonably warm

Answer: When rain falls

If rain falls during the first three days in March it is supposed to foretell a bad harvest. Some superstitious farmers wait until the fourth of March before sowing crops. These days are known as 'blind days'.


Which state capital shares its name with a famous tea party, an American-bred breed of terrier, and a brand of stapler loathed by Milton from the movie "Office Space"?





Answer: Boston


The plucky David killed Goliath with stones. How many did he put in his bag before he went to fight Goliath?





Answer: 5


"Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a classic adventure movie with Harrison Ford starring as Indiana Jones. He is an archaeologist who is hired by the United States government to search for the sacred and long-lost Ark of the Covenant. Who plays Marion Ravenwood, Indy's ex-girlfriend, in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?

 Karen Allen

 Kate Capshaw

 Allison Doody

 Nancy Allen

Answer: Karen Allen


And how do you tell a rabbit from a hare, anyway?

 Rabbits have more incisors

 Baby hares are born with fur

 Hares live in colder climates

 Hares have shorter ears

Answer: Baby hares are born with fur

The young of hares are fur-covered at birth, rabbit young are hairless. Rabbits burrow; hares do not. Hares have longer ears than rabbits.


Which of these Jewish special days usually occurs in March?


 Yom Kippur



Answer: Purim

Purim is a Jewish festival. It is held in remembrance of the time the Jews escaped destruction during the reign of the Persian king Xerxes. Usually occurs in March, but in 2002 was on February 26. it is on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Adar. Chanukah - December, Shavuot - May, Yom Kipper - September.


Which state capital shares its name with a tunnel underneath the Hudson River, an American luxury automobile brand, and a popular children's toy made of wood?





Answer: Lincoln


How many days were the Jews forbidden to eat leavened bread at Passover?





Answer: 7


This movie takes place on a hot night in 1962. The film interweaves the stories of four young men, as they prepare to move on to adulthood the next day. The film is "American Graffiti". Who is the young actor who co-stars with Richard Dreyfuss in this classic? Hint: He has gone on to become a fine director in his own right.

 Val Kilmer

 Gary Busey

 Nicolas Cage

 Ron Howard

Answer: Ron Howard

This 1973 film is filled with young actors who would go on to big careers. In addition to Richard Dreyfuss, the cast includes Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Cindy Williams, Suzanne Somers, MacKenzie Phillips and Harrison Ford. "American Graffiti" is a coming-of-age classic, beautifully done.


This mammal's relatives include the coatimundi, cacomistle, and kinkajou.

 Striped skunk


 Least weasel


Answer: Raccoon

All are members of the order Carnivora, family Procyonidae.
