a natural material made from a plant
h_ _d (+ give an example)
German _____ (speak) in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland
German is spoken in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland
The goals _____ (score) in the first 15 minutes of the match.
The goals were scored in the first 15 minutes of the match.
How many newspapers _____ (print) in Britain every day?
How many newspapers are printed in Britain every day?
a material made from sheep and other animals
s_ _ t (+ give an example)
Tennis _____ (play) on a clay, grass, or hard court.
Tennis is played on a clay, grass, or hard court.
Many houses _____ (destroy) by the flood last week.
Many houses were destroyed by the flood last week.
Factories p______many of the things we use in our homes. (make a sentence in Passive Voice)
Many of the things we use in our homes are produced be factories.
a material made from skins of animals
l_ _ _ t (+ give an example)
How much _____ (paper / recycle) in Poland each year?
How much paper is recycled in Poland each year?
The wheel _____ (invent) thousands of years ago.
The wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
You can't find penguins at the North Pole.
Penguins can't be found at the North Pole.
a material made from wood
s _ _ n _ (+ give an example)
In this hospital small injuries _____ (treat) by assistant doctors.
In this hospital small injuries are treated by assistant doctors.
Coffee _____ (bring) to Europe by the Turks.
Coffee was brought to Europe by the Turks.
Describe one of your favourite objects: It's ____(adjective). It's made of_____. It's used for_____.
a man-made material made from different polymers
tr _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ t (+ give an example)
Breakfast _____ (serve) from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
The bicycle _________ (sell) by my uncle.
The bicycle was sold by my uncle.
Describe one of your favourite gadgets: It's ____(adjective). It's made of_____. It's used for_____.