What is the most pathetic pokemon
What is magicarp
What Creacher is part bull and part man
What is the minotar
Where is the most stuff made
What is China
What do you call a ice cream with two cookies
What is a ice cream sandwich
What ocean has the most life.
What is the pacific ocean
What town does Ash live in
What is Palate town
What mythical woman has snakes for hair and if looked
in the eyes turned to stone
What is medusa
What is the point of having carbon dioxide.
What is trees
What is the 3 letter restaurant with a F in the middle
What is KFC
What is the most toxic animal alive.
What is the Box Jellyfish
What is the pokemon that made earth.
What is Arceus
What point in the body caused achileases death.
What is the heel
What is the purpose of trees
What is Air
Where did rice originate
What is China
When is the estimated length of the existence of the sharks
What is 420 million
What type of Pokemon does Milo train
What is the grass type
What body of water was the loch ness monsters most Accurate picture taken
What is a lake
What is the first sith lord in the prequel of star wars
What is Darth maul
How much caffine does prime have
What is as much as a can of coke
Where does a Axolatle live land or water
What is both
What is the best type of Pokemon
What is Fariy
What is cerberus favor it toy in the mortal relm
What is a rubber ball
What is Bowers castle name in Mario wonder
What is Bowers rage stage
What is Icelands delacise
What is picled sheep eye balls
Where do the majority of the Toucans live
What is south america