Career Awareness and Exploration
Academic Skills and Strategies

A career path we did a lesson on, does not require a 4 year college degree and instead gives you hands on training in a specialized area (such as cosmetology or mechanic)

What is a Trade


In this lesson we learned about ways to do this such as making to-do lists, keeping a calendar and doing high priority tasks first

What is Time Management


This lesson taught us about a practice that helps promote relaxation, reduces stress and focuses on the present moment. Examples would be breathing practices, meditation and visualization.

What is Mindfulness


In this lesson we learned about the world of Esports.

What is Careers in the Gaming Industry


In our lesson on Study Skills we learned about different types of learners and skills that work best for your learning style. This type of learner does best by seeing or reading information.

What is a Visual Learner


In this lesson we learned about these type of relationships where there is respect, trust, support and honesty.

What is Healthy Relationships


This guest speaker from Reach came to talk to you guys in our lesson on Careers in the Medical Field

Who is The School Nurse


In our lesson on Goal Setting we talked about setting SMART goals which stands for this, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound

What is Specific


One of the things we learned in this lesson was about respecting yourself by eating healthy foods, taking care of your hygiene, and getting enough sleep and exercise

What is Self Care (will also accept Wellness)


In our lesson about Employability we learned about hard skills which are things like your level of education or specialized ability vs these skills which are things like your communication and team work skills

What are Soft Skills


In our Test Taking Strategies lesson we discussed eliminating the answers you know are incorrect for these types of questions

What is Multiple Choice


In our lesson on Handling Stress we learned about Fight, _______, and freeze being examples of your body’s natural response to a dangerous or stressful situation 

What is Flight


This lesson reviewed the course your school counselors oversee and we use to provide the state with information on the career readiness skills you are developing

What is Smart Futures


In our End of the Year Academics lesson we reminded you that this percentage equals a passing grade

What is 60%


In a lesson about Diversity, Equity and this we learned that it is not ok to exclude someone due to their gender, race, ethnicity or ability.

What is Inclusion
