What are some of the recent changes to the Canada Food Guide?
Less milk, more plant based proteins
Used to have 4 Main food groups
- Veggies & Fruits
- Whole grains
- Milk & Alternatives
- Meat & Alternatives
But now it is combined into whole grains, proteins, and Fruits&Veggies.
What is physical health?
Physical health promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. Encourages balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep body in top condition.
What is Mental Health?
A state of well-being, in which a person is aware of their own self-worth, can deal with the normal stress of life, can function and work adequately, and makes contributions to his or her own community.
True or False. Mental and physical health are connected.
Why is following the Canadian Food Guide important?
To ensure a well balanced diet, getting all the vitamins and nutrients for our body’s to function and to be as healthy as possible
Why is physical activity important for your health?
Physical activity includes social benefits, enhances mental status, improves physical sensation and sports performance.
Who is affected by mental health?
People of all age, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and genders experience mental health problems.
How can physical activity improve your mental health?
Exercise produces endorphins.
Because of these endorphins exercise can help make our lives feel more manageable.
Exercise can be calming for our brains as well as energize us.
It can also help to bring connections in our lives with others.
How much vitamin D should teenagers take per day and why is it important?
600 IU (international units) of Vit. D per day
Vit. D plays a part in the bone-building process by helping the body to absorb calcium, and builds/maintains strong bones and teeth.
Vit. D is also needed for healthy immune system. It helps body to fight off infections and prevent the development of autoimmune diseases.
How can you improve your physical health
Biking, Swimming, Running, Jumping ... etc.
What are some examples of common mental health problems?
Depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders including autism.
How do you guys think your mental health affects your ability to exercise?
You are more motivated to exercise when you are in a stable place mentally.
Often exercise is the last thing we think to do when we are struggling mentally.
What are some eating disorders that exist?
Anorexia- Viewing self as overweight, very restricted diet and calorie intake, usually extremely underweight
Bulimia- eating unusually large amounts of food in a short amount of time followed by purging, large fear of gaining weight but are usually normal weight
Binge eating- eating large amounts of food in a short period of time and having a lack of control over how much they eat, are usually overweight
Pica- craving and eating non-food substances such as dirt, chalk, soap
How much physical activity is recommended per day and per week?
Min of 60 min per day
Min 3 times per week
What are some barriers to achieving good mental health?
Accessibility, health promotion, lack of support from friends & family, stigma, discrimination, neglect.
What is the recommended amount of sleep per night? And why is this important.
14 to 17 years old: 8 – 10 hrs
18 and older: 7-9hrs
Adequate quantity and quality of sleep helps you to fight disease, be alert, improves energy, and improves mood.
How can you recognize and help someone who may be faced with an eating disorder?
Recognize- severely under or overweight, not eating in front of others, throwing up directly after meals, self disgust or low self-esteem, distorted body image
Help- Offer to go seek help with them, provide them with phone numbers or emails to contact, be there to support them, encourage them to eat healthy, compliment them and help boost their confidence, do not share this personal information about them with a bunch of people
What prevents you/people from exercising?
Some prefer indoor activities
Lack of energy/motivation
Time constraints
Social factors
How can you help someone with a mental health problem, as a friend, bystander, or in future occupation?
Did you guys enjoy having us nursing students at the youth centre?
Of course you did!!!