Dirt filled porch/patio
What is 21
What is the Minimum Mentor Score allowed?
What is 775
What time do we start our day?
8!!!!!!! Eight!!!!!! OCHO!!!!!
Name 3 Add on services to GPC (Commercial OR Residential)
Mosquito, Propel, Power spray, Air Spa, Air scent, Fly Light, Drain Treatment, Auto Flush, Trappings, Exclusion, Air Vents, Door Sweeps.
What Year Was Orkin Founded?
What is 1901
Trench and Rod
What is 12
What is the Label?
The Law!!!
What is the minimum PVA Score for Residential & Commercial Techs?
180 & 190
Long time customer with Mice issue, what should you do?
Send a lead to an inspector, Offer Propel services, Offer Exclusion
Who is the Founder of Orkin Pest Control?
BONUS: How old was the Founder?
Who is Otto Orkin
What is 14
Long Rod
When using a ladder that exceded 12 feet, how many people are required?
2 People
What are the 4 "What's" when communicating with customers?
What you saw, what you did, what the customer needs to do, and what to expect
Finish the Sentence:
EVERYTHING IS __________!
What is Orkin's Research and Training Center called?
What is "The Orkin University"
Bath trap Access, Panel installation and Soil Treatment
What is 5
What are the four minimum PPE when using Standard chemicals?
Long sleeves, Long Pants, Gloves & Eye Protection
What is required on every Ticket to show you were at the location?
What is required in a Gold Metal Logbook?
Client contact info, Scope of service, Floor Plan, Service reports, Monitoring log/trends, Labels & SDS sheets (SDS Signoff), Inspection Reports, Licenses and Insurance, Branch Contact information IPM annual agreement
What was the first Product offered by Orkin?
Homemade Rat Poison
Chimney Base Void
What is 22
When should you change your respirator Cartridge?
After 8 hours of use, if you can smell or taste anything, difficulty breathing, if damaged or dirty.
Name the 5 Orkin Ethos
Safety, Professionalism, Empathy, Integrity, Innovation
4 Types of Leads to send in.
Powder Post Beetle, Moisture, Leaves in Gutters, Wildlife, Ridge Guard, Mulch, Termites
What is the name of the First Leveraged Buyout in 1964?
"Jonah Swallows the Whale"