What is Boreal Forest known for?
Name 2 things found in Treaty 6
Elk Island, North Saskatchewan River,
Fort Edmonton, Pigeon Lake, Beaver Hills, Cree Lake
What is the longest River in Alberta?
Athabasca River
What is Palaeontology?
The study of ancient fossils
What is Important about Jasper National Park
Largest National Park in Alberta
What are the main types of agriculture in Parkland?
Farming and Ranching
Name 2 things found in Treaty 7
Writing on Stone, Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, Bow River, Waterton Lake, Okatoks Erratic, Red Rock Coulee
What is the Largest lake in Alberta
Athabasca lake
What is one type of Palaeontology
Ichnology: Footprints, nests, burrows
Vertabrate: dinosaurs with back bones
Invertabrate: dinosaurs with no back bones
Micro: Tiny organisims
Paleobotany: Plants
What is important about Banff National Park
Oldest national Park
What is the Grassland also known for AND what is found there
Badlands and Dinosaur Bones
Name 2 things found in Treaty 8
Wood Buffalo, Lesser Slave Lake, Peace River, Athabasca Sand Dunes, Birch Mountains, Caribou Mountains
What river flows through Edmonton?
North Saskatchewan River
What is one type of dinosaur in Royal Tyrrell Museum
What is important about Waterton
UNESCO World Heritage Site
What are the foothills known for
Rolling hills and Rivers
What is found in the Canadian Shield
Oldest Rocks
What River flows through Calgary
Bow River
What is one step of discovering a dinosaur
Look, map, brush, glue, cut, fix, study, display
What is Important about Wood Buffalo
Last free roaming Buffalo
What are the two main National Parks in the Rocky Mountains
Banff and Jasper
Who is the best teacher in the world?
Ms. Ludwig of course :)
What were rivers used for by the Indigenous People?
Travel and Trade
What was Joseph Tyrrells job before discovering dinosaur bones?
What is Important about Elk Island
Buffalo conservation