What does "communication" mean?
Sharing ideas through speaking, writing, body language, and signals.
What does inclusion mean?
Being included in a group
I have a long neck and can reach the tallest trees. What am I?
Show me how it would look if you were not including someone
Body language, facial expressions, words
What is March's character trait of the month?
Name three ways we communicate with others
Speaking/words, body language, and facial expressions
What makes people unique?
Open to answers
What can you catch, but not throw?
A cold
Show me what including someone would look like
Positive body language, positive facial expressions, positive words
What month was the character trait "Responsibility"?
Why is communicating over phones/Chromebook hard?
Miscommunication, unable to read body language/facial expressions
How can we make sure everyone feels included?
Make sure we are listening to other, learn from others, respectful of others ideas, use appropriate language
What is always in front of you, but you can never see?
The future
What does gratitude mean according to Character Strong?
Choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives
What are some emotions you may feel if you were not included?
Sad, frustrated, mad, jealous, worried, anxious, embarrassed, lonely, annoyed, disappointed
What has a head, a tail, is brown, but no legs?
A penny
Give me an example of how to show empathy at school
Open to responses
We are all different; why is it important to celebrate our differences?
Teaches empathy, get to know others and learn something new, help others feel valued, make everyone feel welcomed and included, share our perspectives
What goes up, but never comes down?
Your age
How would you go about asking others about their differences?
Act it out
What is April and May's Character Strong traits of the month?
Courage and creativity