This type of government has 1 person in control
What type of government does the United States have?
Representative democracy
What is an Oligarchy?
a form of government where power is held by a small group of people
Which SYSTEM of government involves 3 levels of government, local, state and federal
Federalist system of government
1 thing fun you did this weekend
Took a walk with my sister
Power is inherited and there may be a king or a queen
What is a direct democracy?
When citizens vote directly on issues
How does an Oligarchy come to power?
by social status or wealth
Give me one purpose of government and an example of that purpose
Provide public services; plowing snow after a blizzard
Best meal you had recently?
Power is gained by force
What is a representative democracy?
When citizens vote on people to represent their views and interests
Turn to your partner and talk about which type of government you think is the worst and why? What about the best?
Talk to the person next to you!
What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights
Favorite hobby?
How many forms of Autocracy are there?
What does the word popular sovereignty mean and do we have popular sovereignty in the United States?
People are the source of control in the government.
How does an Oligarchy differ from a democracy or dictator?
Dictator=1 person in charge
democracy=the people in charge
oligarchy=small group of people in charge
What document acts as a rulebook for the United States government?
The United States Constitution
Any summer trips planned?
I don't😩
Give one example of a monarchy and one example of a dictator
UK (monarchy) and North Korea (dictator)
What are the three branches of the United States government called?
Executive, legislative and judicial
What could be a pro about an Oligarchy?
decisions can be made quickly
This system of government has one central government where all of the power comes from
This system of government gives the states all of the control
Unitary and a Confederate system of government
What is a living document?
Any document that can be amended or changed