The 3 types of muscle tissue
What are skeletal, smooth and cardiac
True or false - ALL muscle tissue has four behavioral characteristics
What is true?
This muscle covers the frontal bone and wrinkle the forehead
What is the frontalis?
A group of muscles found in your thigh
What are quadriceps?
The end of the muscle that is attached to a fixed structure is called this
What is origin?
This type of muscle cell is striated with multinuclei
What is skeletal?
The ability to respond to a stimulus
What is irritability?
This muscle is fan shaped
What is the temporalis?
This muscle is the external buttocks
What is gluteus maximus?
If the quadriceps are the agonist, this (or these) would be the antagonist.
What are the hamstrings?
This type of muscle cell has intercalated discs and is striated
What is cardiac?
The ability for the muscle to shorten is called this
What is contractility
This muscle is found this the upper chest
What is the pectoralis major?
Medical term for calf muscle
What is gastrocnemius?
Another name for a muscle cell is...
What is muscle fiber?
This type of muscle cell is also known as visceral.
What is smooth muscle?
In The Incredible, Elastagirl demonstrates what behavioral property by returning to her normal shape?
What is elasticity?
These muscles are connected to the ribs, and increase and decrease the thoracic cavity for breathing
What are the intercostals?
What is the sartorius?
These types of contractions are for maintaining our posture
What are tonic?
This part of the nervous system controls cardiac and smooth muscle
What is autonomic?
Extensibility is defined as
What is the ability to be stretched?
This muscle is found on the sides of the neck
What is sternocleidomastoid
This muscle is found in the mid and lower back
What is latissimus dorsi?
This type of contraction lengthens the muscle
What is eccentric?