What does a noun mean?
A noun is a person, place, thing or idea.
My mom went to the store and brought me a gift
What is the definition in Spanish or argue?
The definition is Discutir.
when do you use a . in a senteces
at the end of a senteces
how do u spell " como estas" in english?
how are u
What is an adjective?
An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.
My mom let me skip school
What is the definition of impressed?
The definition is feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone.
when do you use a ? in a sentences
when there is a question
how do u spell " minutos" in english?
Name: three pronouns
she, he, I
my dad made a bouquet of flowers for my mom
What is the synonym of the world patience?
The synonym is Tolerance
when do use a ! in a senteces
when some one show there emotions
is this spell correctly "futer"?
Say 2 sentences that have noun and adjective.
My sister lost her cell phone and she will go look for it this weekend
What is the synonym and definition in Spanish of the world Moment?
The synonym is minute, second and instant, the definition is: A very brief period of time.
when do you use & i a senteces
whenever you want to safe spaces
is this spell correctly "categor"
Which of these words is an adjective?
"We went to an artisanal ice cream shop"
My parents decided to visit Mexico and went to the playground and brought me a gift
What is the synonym and antonym in Spanish of the word lesson?
The synonym is: class
The antonym is: compliment
when do you use a : in a senteces
to separate a list of items in a senteces
how do spell "configuracion"in english?