This TV show a guy telling his kids a short story about an important moment in his life. In the start of this series, a huge bombshell is dropped, which starts the plot.
What is How I Met Your Mother?
A group that you split into; typically for a project or game.
What is team?
It is a popular American sit-com featuring six people living in New York. It documents their lives as they face the ups and downs of life.
What is FRIENDS?
A friend that you have; or, how people refer to their colleagues in England.
What is mate?
This show is about a study group for Spanish class.
What is Community?
What you do when you train or domesticate an animal.
What is tame?
A teenage girl investigates the mysteries of her strange town as she watches all her loved ones die.
What is Veronica Mars?
When something is self-reflective, or you may know this word from a popular video game character, blank knight.
What is meta?
When people say this popular expression;
Up and _____!
What is at em?