Cultural Basics
Dimensional Analysis
What Would You Do?

What continent is Spain in?

What is Europe.


Both the United State and Spain scored similarly on this category, and have similar perspectives on how they prioritize challenges of the present and future.

What is long-term orientation.


(True or False): Spaniards are lazy.



What is this called?

What is paella.


You have set up a virtual meeting with your Spanish counterparts to work on a project. The Spanish team members join the meeting a few minutes late.

Recognize punctuality is not as prioritized in the Spanish culture. Check in with teammates to make sure there was no significant reason for their lateness, and continue with the meeting.


What currency does Spain use?

What is the Euro.


This country has a clearer distinction between manager and employee.

What is Spain.


Name the traditional practice that has recently become controversial over its violence.

What is bullfighting.


What is the main religion in Spain?

What is Catholicism.


At the beginning of a meeting, you're still waiting for your American colleague, Joe, to join the call. Other coworkers on the call begin making small talk, and the conversation begins going towards an upcoming election. 

You should jump in the conversation and try to change the topic being talked about to a less controversial like sports, food, etc.


What two countries border Spain?

What are Portugal and France.


After promotion, this country more frequently experiences lifestyle inflation. Example: Moving to a nicer neighborhood.

What is the United States.


(True or False): Sangria is a common alcoholic drink for Spaniards. 



What is this called?

What is tapas.


When working on a design project, during the prototyping stage, the American team has designed a loose plan with a few of the major deadlines for the prototype. The Spanish team was frustrated at the lack of detail and specifics of the plan, so they made their own version.

Schedule a meeting with the both the Spanish and American teams that would focus on discussing each plan in depth and working towards combining the plans for maximum efficiency.

What is the common instrument used for modern Spanish Flamenco music or dancing?

What is a guitar.


Spain is a less indulgent country than the US. What short phrase describes the US perspective on the dimension of indulgence?

What is work hard play hard.


(True or False): Punctuality in Spain is often more relaxed than in the US.



What major bodies of water is Spain surrounded by?

What is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.


You and your new American colleague, Joe, are on a call with your manager from Spain. When starting off the meeting Joe uses very informal language and calls the manager by their first name.

During the meeting, when you first speak, properly introduce the manager using their formal title. After the meeting, set up a call with Joe and discuss using formal titles when referring to a Spanish colleague, and some other Spanish values for future company meetings.


Name three of the five recognized languages spoken in Spain? 

What are Castilian Spanish, Galician, Basque, Catalan, and Asturian.


Compared to 75% of Spanish young professionals, only ____ of American young professionals would want the same job for their whole life.

What is 17%.


What are two things to remember when speaking with a boss or manager in Spain?

What are use formal Spanish grammar and proper titles.


What are the two best soccer teams in Spain?

What is Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.


You're trying to schedule a meeting with your Spanish coworker. How would you go about doing so? (Include the time, communication method, and your reasoning).

Spain is 6 hours ahead of US EST, and it is common for Spaniards to have a shorter workday with a longer lunch break. Because of this, meeting between 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Spanish time zone, and 8:00 - 10:00 am US EST would be best. Most Europeans use WhatsApp to communicate, and Spaniards value forming personal relationships in business so sending a nice message rather than just a meeting invite would be appreciated.
