Art Criticism
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Mix It Up
Taking material away - like carving into wood.
What is the Subtractive Method
ORANGE - GREEN - VIOLET - made by mixing primary colors
What is Secondary
Liking or disliking a work of art based on personal preference.
What is opinion
When designing water bottle, this person had to think about how the water bottle would fit in a person's hand, what colors to use, and the overall shape.
Who is a Package Designer
In a building in downtown Tampa a sculpture of a woman's face was carved into the wall. It projected greatly and her features are realistic.
What is high relief
In art class we made pinch pots and then added features to turn it into a creature. This was the sculpting technique we used.
What is a Modeling technique
Tyler wanted to paint a picture using two colors from the color wheel that would show the most contrast. This is the group of colors he chose.
What is Complementary
Carly looked at the painting by the pop artist Andy Warhol and said, "I see a red tomato soup can. It's size fills the entire canvas and is painted realistically. The background is white." This is the step of art criticism she used.
What is Describe
Taking the painting "American Gothic" by Grant Wood and changing it to a modern day version uses this.
What is Appropriation
In 3D art this year, we made mini plaster sculpture that can be seen from all sides.
What is In the Round
Joe assembled his mobile using paper, wire, and string. He used this sculpting method.
What is the Additive method
Dana created an abstract collage using cubism techniques. The colors she chose were red-violet, red, red-orange, orange, and yellow-orange. This is the name for these group of colors.
What is Analogous
After looking at the artwork, The Diner, by George Segal, Anna said, "I think this sculpture is showing ordinary people in regular situations - like working/eating/drinking in a diner. They are not necessarily happy or sad." This is the step of art criticism she gave.
What is Interpretation
Any artist that comes up with an ORIGINAL idea can get this so no one else can legally take the idea.
What is a copyright
Annie was rushing to finish her collage. She used too much glue and it caused her paper to rip. The forgot to erase the pencil lines she used to draw her shapes and her paper was dirty. Although she followed directions, she got points taken off for this.
What is craftsmanship
Toothbrush holders are primarily made out of clay. Since this type of product needs to be mass produced, a liquid material is poured into a mold using this sculpting technique.
What is Casting
Laurie was feeling very happy and wanted to paint a non-objective painting using a lot of orange. She used neon orange, tints of orange, and a few shades of orange. This is the type of color scheme Laurie used.
What is Monochromatic
After looking at Alexander Calder's mobile, Triumphant Red, Adam said, "By using similar organic shapes the sculpture has good rhythm. My eye moves around to look at all black shapes and stops at the one red shape. This red shape is the emphasis in the sculpture."
What is Analyze
Maddie decided to create a painting using symbols made by Keith Haring. She looked up images on the internet and copied them exactly. She signed her name and claimed it as her own.
What is plagiarism
In 3D art class, we made op art cubes sculptures. We glued two wood pieces under the sculpture to give it support. The wood pieces were this.
What is armature
In Mississippi, after Hurricane Katrina, many of the trees along the gulf were split in half. One artist turned these trees into beautiful works of art like dolphins and other sea life. This was the sculpting technique he used.
What is Carving
Color - also called HUE - can have different values which go from light to dark. Hues can also have different strengths which is this property.
What is Intensity
Inside you own home, you can pick the art you want to hang, you listen to the music pleasing to you, and eat the food that you think tastes good. This is your personal sense of beauty.
What is Aesthetic
Someone that enjoys helping others cope with emotional stress or physical health problems through art.
Who is an Art Therapist
Mike made a metal sculpture of a frog for his garden at home. It had a wire above it's head with a small metal fly attached. The fly rotated around the frogs head when the wind would blow. The movement within this sculpture made it this.
What is kinetic