Cattle over a year are called
Lean mean
What part of the cow does filet mignon come from
The government agency that is in charge of the grading system for meats
Enhancing flavor and tenderness by infusing or soaking
Fat running throughout the meat is called
Name 2 things that protein does for your body?
growth, repair, healing, maintenance of tissues
What part of the cow does hamburger come from?
The largest growing sector of the food industry is currently?
Quick technique used for smaller cuts of meat
What are the 3 grades of beef
Prime, choice and select
Protein is what type of nutrient
What part of the cow does a rib roast come from?
Muckrakers helped pass what act in 1906 that raised awareness of the fraudulent claims of the food and drug companies.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Meats refrigerated should be used between how many days for best results?
Meat is made up of what 4 parts?
water, protein, fat and a trace of carbohydrates
How much protein should you eat in relation to your body weight?
Half your body weight in grams
What part of the cow does corn beef come from?
What percentage of our food currently is genetically modified?
Meat should be stored and separated from other foods to prevent?
Cross Contamination
Meat products are made up of what 3 parts
muscle, connective tissue and bones
Another source of protein are Chick peas, black beans, peas and lentils. This are called what
Where part of the cow does our stew beef came from?
The act that passed in 1906 that requires that the meat from food production is fit for consumption
Meat Inspection Act
Meat should be stored at what temperature?
32-34 F