Famous West coast fast food chain
What is In n Out
Fruit we grow in the summer
What are blueberries
Biggest state
What is Texas
Hakuna Matata meaning
What is no worries
What I’ve been saying this whole trip
What is Boi if you don’t
The name of Mcdonald’s Kids’ Meals
What is a Happy Meal
Ride in Ocean City Boardwalk ride famous for its 2 drops
What is Double Shot
State we’ve been to the most
What is New Jersey
Yellow bear who likes honey
Who is Winnie the Pooh
Little boy I am called
Who is Kevin G
Name of McDonald’s BBQ sauce
What is Tangy Barbecue
Beach town is closest to our house
What is Ocean City
State school Emma didn’t get into
What is UTK
Character resembling Sam Hurban’s mother
Who is Edna Mode
Thing the guy in Disney said
What is No you can’t have anymore
Taco Bell menu item that is removed and added back to the menu often
What are Nacho Fries
Where Lucy the Elephant lives
What is Margate
Smallest state
What is Rhode Island
Name of the brother in Ratatouille
Who is Emil
Something we call Dad
What is an FLP
Nico’s usual Taco Bell order
What is a blue raspberry freeze, 2 cheesy roll ups, chips and cheese, and 4 Cinnabon delights
Plant Holden got stuck in his hand at the beach
What is a cactus
Name 3 states we haven’t been to
Name 1 of Maggie’s favorite Disney movies
What is the Lion King, Coco, Tangled, Frozen
Smell of Dante’s and Emma’s breath
What are onions and fish