Whats the famous wall in China.
Great wall of China?
What kinds of work do they do? did men or women do different kinds of jobs?
A peacent, Or a farmer
Name three things that entertainment might have included.
Sword-swallowing, fire-eating, juggling, acrobatics, rope walking, and tumbling
What Is The King/Emperor?
The Dynasty We Talked The Most About?
What Is The Shang Dynasty?
how long did it take for the great wall of china to be made?
Around 2,500 years.
What kinds of tools did they use?
they used horses in genral and figured out horse back riding. For gardening they made tools to harvest things.
____ and ____ were the most highly appreciated arts in the court?
Painting and calligraphy
What Is A Noble?
The Third Dynasty After The Shang?
What Is The Qin Dynasty?
how high is the great wall of China
29,032 ft.
What changes did they use to their pyhsical environment?
Everyone in Chine payed taxses and bills for the farmers.
How many life sized statues were unearthed?
The Fourth Most Important Person In Society?
What Is An Artisan?
The Neighboring Kingdom That Overtook The Shang Dynasty In Battle?
What Is Zhou Dynasty?
what mountain range is mount everest called
the Himalayas
What do children do in china?
Boys would be taken care of and loved on more then the girls. At age of five or four they start cooking and harvesting for recorces.
How many strings did the zither have?
The zither had 25 strings
The Creator Of Social Hierarchy
What Is The Pharaoh?
What Is Three Achievements That The Zhou Achieved?
how long does it take to climb mount everest
2 months
What Age do kids go to school? What do they do in school?
Ancient Chines tradition is to watch a tape of their parents suffering from hard work at any age.
What was the name of the king of the gods?
Latin Name For Noble?
The Time That The Qin Dynasty Ruled?
What Is 221-206 BC.