Pastor of Good Shepherd Church
Who is Father Diosmar Natad?
How many persons are in God ?
Names of the 2 parts of the Bible
What are the Old and the New Testaments?
The church with the entire teaching of Jesus for every person and for the whole world.
What is the Catholic Church?
a farmer
What was Cain's work?
Bishop of Atlanta, Ga
Who is Gregory Hartmayer?
Created in God's image
Who is mankind ?
The longest part of the Bible
What is the Old Testament?
The founder (started) of the Catholic Church
Who is Jesus?
A herdsman (keeper of sheep)
What was Abel's work?
The Pope in Rome
Who is Francis?
He came to save us from our sins
Who is Jesus Christ ?
73,46, 27
How many Books are in the Bible and in each part?
2024 years ago
When was Jesus born?
Whose offering was accepted by God?
Head of the Catholic Church
Who is Jesus Christ ?
What is the connection between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
What is the name of the first book of the Bible?
To know, love and serve God
Why were you created?
A Mark
What kept other people from killing Cain?
They followed the Apostles
Who are Bishops ?
a Mystery
What is the Blessed Trinity?
What is the name of the last book of the Bible?
A special and sacred place
What is the Church building?
The best part of a sacrificial offering.
What is the fat portion?