How is the Transfiguration a Trinitarian event?
What does Genesis 1 have to do with the Last Supper?
God has the power to speak things into existence
Jesus has the power to speak the Eucharist into existence
Whereas the Israelites are initially enslaved to the Egyptians, all humanity is enslaved to this? What does this mean?
Sin and Death - we are complicit in and are deeply affected by the reality of injustice against others, ourselves, God, and nature. We cannot become harmonized with reality by ourselves. We are also inevitably going to die, and the specter of death haunts human activity and society.
How is death transformed through the Paschal Mystery?
How does Christ reveal the Trinity in the Paschal Mystery?
Paschal Mystery - Giving Himself absolutely to the Father through the Holy Spirit
The New Exodus to deliver us from enslavement to sin and death, which will begin in Jerusalem and be completed in Heaven (the eternal promised land).
It appears to be the burial cloth of Christ - the image is imprinted as a photo negative on 1/8th of a hair's breadth beyond the surface and contains astonishingly precise anatomical details and evidence of what crucifixion and scourging were actually like for Jesus. It is believed to have been imprinted at the moment of the Resurrection.
Identify 4 parallels between the Exodus story and the Paschal Mystery.
Red Sea - Baptism
Passover Lamb - Christ's Sacrifice of Atonement
10 Commandments - Sermon on the Mount
Tamid Sacrifice - Christ's Perfect Gift of Love
Promised Land - Heaven
How does suffering become transformed in Christ's Paschal Mystery?
We already know that suffering can belong to a holistic pursuit of excellence in some activity: in sports, in school, in games, etc.
Christ enables us to see all suffering as an opportunity to grow in what is most comprehensive and important of all: Love. When we seek to love God, others, ourselves, nature through suffering, we become transformed so that we can love more and more like God. The essence of heaven is to participate in the love of God for all eternity. This life is preparation and transformation. The Olympic athlete becomes transformed to achieve gold, and we are called to be transformed for eternal life (infinitely greater goal).
How does Christ reveal the Trinity in His Baptism and Transfiguration?
Father speaks from the heavens, the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, and Christ is identified as the Son
Father speaks from the heavens, the Holy Spirit is present in the prophets, and Christ is identified and transfigured as the son
What does Jesus reveal the true temple to be and what does He say will happen to this?
Himself, as the Incarnation of God, the tabernacle of God, and all those in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, enabling us to cry out, "Abba, Father"
It will be destroyed and then rebuilt in 3 days - Resurrection
In the Old Testament God establishes one of these with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the Israelites, David. Jesus establishes the new and everlasting one in His Blood at the Last Supper. What does it mean?
Covenant - a relationship calling for all one is
We are the sources of so much injustice and violence, inflicting all our wrath on Christ
We are wounded, broken, enslaved, dying
We are resentfully embittered towards God, blaming God for all the misery and evil in the world
How is the Paschal Mystery akin to the Tamid Sacrifice?
In the Tamid Sacrifice, the Jews would offer the firstfruits of their labor at the outset of their days to express that God comes first.
In the Paschal Mystery, Jesus shows us that we are called to give absolutely everything to God in love. We lose nothing but instead gain infinitely more - God and eternal life.
What is an image of the Trinity based on human existence as made in God's image?
I exist in a limited way, I know myself in a limited way, and I love myself in a limited way -
God exists perfectly unlimited, God knows God perfectly unlimited, God loves God perfectly unlimited
God is Love
Love (the Father) knows Love (the Son) and Loves (the Holy Spirit) Love - and so on an eternal dance
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
I thirst
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Today, you will be with me in paradise
Father, forgive them, they know not what they do
Mother, behold your son. Son, behold your Mother
It is finished
When Jesus calls His disciples friends at the Last Supper, what does he immediately say after this, which expresses the core of what revelation means?
I have revealed to you everything the Father has given me - the inner heart of God
What are some of the central lies that Satan tells which Christ overcomes?
God does not love us - God loves us beyond our wildest expectations
God is actively against us - God is infinitely on our side
God does not exist - God is the eternal source of all that is - I am
We are not worthy of love - We are made in and for love
We are on our own in a world of all against all - We are meant to live in communities of love
How is the Paschal Mystery integrated into the fabric of ordinary human existence?
Sleeping and Waking
Sun Setting and Rising
One moment fading, a new one arising
The Seasons
Self-Sacrifice in Love, Abundant life as we discover ourselves and are in community
Identify 3 Resurrection events
The Road to Emmaus
Doubting Thomas
Appearance to the Women
The Empty Tomb
The Great Commission
The Seashore with Peter and John
The Breathing of the Holy Spirit
What does John 6 have to do with the Last Supper?
In John 6, Jesus is as clear as He can be that when He speaks of eating His flesh, He means it
Jesus performs this activity at the Last Supper, promises that this will be sent, and prays for this.
Washing of the Feet - an expression of humble service, love
The Holy Spirit - who will lead us into the fullness of Truth
Unity among all believers that resembles the absolute unity in love within the Trinity
Precisely explain what it means to say the Paschal Mystery can be seen as a battle
Christ comes to overthrow the powers of sin and death, the reign of injustice and division - the final battle takes place on the Cross, where Christ seems to suffer the most absurdly humiliating defeat. Yet, Christ manifests love to the end, love to the absolute degree, perfect love - nothing can defeat the love of God. Christ rises again glorified, showing us the path to eternal salvation
What is the definition of Love?
To give oneself (one's heart, mind, energy, time, attention, resources, etc.) in some way for the sake of what is good (what is in their best interest all things considered) for the other and for the sake of community.
The Bible, Jesus Christ, Human Existence, All Created Reality, God