What is the birth?
When the alarm clock rings to wake Sarah (Dance Dynamo's alter ego) up.
What is the name of Dance Dynamo's alter ego
What is Dance Dynamo's alter ego job?
Dance teacher
What are the 2 worlds?
Known- Under storm clouds
Unknown- Above storm clouds
Who is the Hero?
Dance Dynamo
What is Dance Dynamo's item that she uses to fly?
What is the Abyss?
When Dance Dynamo gets shot down by Cumulonox.
Who is the villain?
Did the mom have glasses?
What is one event from the path of trials?
- Fighting Cumulonox
- Going through a storm to get above the clouds
- Meeting the villain
What is the threshold guardians?
The storm clouds
When Dance Dynamo got shot down by Cumulonox, did she continue to fight?
What is the return?
Dance Dynamo turns back in to her alter ego (Sarah) and returns back to the ground where it is now sunny to work her job (dance teacher)
Who was the mentor?
The mom
What is the myth explaining?
Why it storms