This nursery rhyme is about a girl who loved her animal with fleece.
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Before DVD's, people would watch movies on a what?
VHS Tape
What is a doe?
A female deer
This nursery rhyme talks about "KIDS" doing something that most parents say don't do. They end up having to call the doctor.
Five Little Monkeys
What is this called, and what is/was it used for?
Landline- used to connect a home phone and connect to the internet without Wifi.
How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
4 Sides
This nursery rhyme is about some sort of dishware that sings about the different parts of it's body.
I'm A Little Teapot
What is this, and what was it used for?
Floppy Disc- Used to save documents and other data from a computer.
How many bones do sharks have?
Sharks do not have bones. Instead, their skeletons are made of cartilage, a flexible tissue that's also found in your ears and nose.
This nursery rhyme sings about work hard hard all day and ask questions about what they hear.
I've Been Working On The Railroad
Not long ago schools offered a course that taught cooking, sewing, and budgeting along with other skills needed to prepare for adulthood. What was the name of this course?
Home Economics
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo DaVinci
This is an older nursery rhyme that teachers might have used to teach their students their numbers. It sings about a mouse and a clock.
Hickory Dickory Dock
What do these number mean?
*67 & *69
*67 is a "star code" that blocks your phone number from caller ID systems, while *69 is a "star code" that calls back the last number that called you.
Which country did Justin Bieber come from?