Size of Problem
Expected or Unexpected situations

I had to share my chicken nugget 

(small, medium or big problem)

small problem


You're in a movie theater and you burp really loudly

Expected or Unexpected

Unexpected - because you burped really loudly or you didn't say excuse me


You are bored and want to hang with friends so you call them to come over BUT they can't because they're finishing homework

You wait until they finish it - then they come over.

(do not bug them or get mad)


Someone stole my toy while playing with it (I'm a little kid)

(small, medium or big problem)

And what to do about it?


Ask for it back nicely / talk to adult/caregiver/babysitter/teacher

You are having an argument with another kid at school and you tell the teacher he is arguing me with.

Expected or Unexpected

Unexpected - because YOU can try to fix the problem with the kid before telling the teacher


What is the consequence of breaking into some location you are not allowed to go(breaking and entering)?

Violating laws / Cops will be called / they will come to get you / they will arrest you and take you to jail 


Someone borrowed my Playstation and won't give it back!

Small/medium/large problem and WHY

What would you do?


it costs a lot of money, you can't just buy a new one easily

Tell to staff/parent/guardian and ask them to help you.


You are up late in bed on your phone watching Netflix and it's a school night - the next day you feel tired and bad

Unexpected - because you shouldn't stay up so late on school night


You don't share your toys with your cousin

Your cousin will feel sad or mad

You will feel bad and guilty 


someone is teasing me/snitching on me (at school) and I told them to stop and they won't stop

small/medium/big problem - WHY?

what to do?

big problem - because they are messing with me / ruining my life or some part of it / being rude / makes me sad / makes me mad / makes it harder to make friends with certain other people

What to do: ask them nicely to stop teasing - apologize for the thing you may have done wrong, which made them mad originally - ALSO, you may need to talk to a parent/teacher/adult/guardian


You get a present that you don't love and you say "I don't like that present, I want to get something else"

Unexpected - because you're being ungrateful and picky and it will make the person feel embarrassed and sad/ashamed


You stay up late on your phone.

What will happen to you tomorrow?

What to do instead?

You will feel guilty or bad or tired the next day - and you will have a hard time in your classes

Instead you should not be on your phone so late and set an alarm to wake up for school


For Christmas, you wanted a "gold" iPhone, but you got a "black" one instead.

Small problem - because you're being picky - it's only a color 


You get a "black" iPhone for Christmas instead of the "gold" color you wanted, you say "Thank you so much for getting this for me, I can't wait to pick out a gold case"

Expected - because you said "thank you" even though you wanted a different color


I was texting someone that I wasn't supposed to

Consequence is:

I lose my stuff (technology privileges)

It could be dangerous or inappropriate

You will get in trouble
