Terra Firma
What is the old expression for "Solid Ground"?
kryds, bolle, trekant og forkant og bølgestreg
Hvad er analyse-symbolerne for subjekt, verballed, direkte objekt, indirekte objekt og adverbialled?
Neil Gayman
Who wrote Coraline?
Mark K. Sargent
What is the man form "Behind The Curve" called?
What is the Flat Earther in "Behind The Curve" called?
You've been Whammed?
What do you call it when you hear Last Christmas the first time near Christmas?
What is the old expression for "feet opposed"/"Feet upside down"?
Det er når man sætter 's bag på den der ejer noget
Hvad er genitiv?
What do Coraline's parents have in stead of eyes in the other world?
Personal Incredulity
What is the logical fallacy called where you refuse to believe something because you think something is weird about it?
I'm Walking in The Air
What is the song fra The Snowman called?
Terra Nullius
What is the old expression for "empty land"?
Ordklassen kan pege på adverbier, verber, adjektiver og hele sætninger
Hvad er adverbier?
What is the name for the weird Russian acrobat who is Coraline's neighbor?
The bandwagon
What is the logical fallacy called where you join a conspiracy just because many others do it?
Ebenezer Scrooge
Who is the main character of A Christmas Carol?
Historical amnesia
What is the historical expression for the Australians trying to forget their dark past (the mistreatment of the Aboriginals)?
Det er en bolle med et kryds indeni
Hvad er subjektsprædikat?
Gardening books
What is the line of work of Coraline's parents?
The Donning-Kruger effect
What do you call the concept of being very confident about a subject, even if you know almost nothing?
What do you call the concept of being less confident about a subject when you gain more knowledge, then to achieve more confidence as you learn more.
What is the chance of getting a white Christmas in DK?
To vilify
What is the word for saying/writing unpleasant things about somebody in order to cause people to have a bad opinion of them?
Det er når subjekt og verballed stemmer overens med hinanden
Hvad er en verbalkongruens?
Universal themes
What do we call themes that are relevant to everyone?
What is short for the National Institute of Standards and Technology?
Who is the Austrian/Germanic Chrismas monster?