How long can a tiger’s roar be heard?
A tiger’s roar can be heard from three kilometers away.
I am orange and black and I like to eat meat. where do you think i live?
I live in the rainforest
Why are the 6 species of tigers endangered will they be extinct?
If we stop hunting tigers & care for them, all the 6 species will be alive.
How can tigers stop being endangered?
By informing the hunters how much we need tigers in our habitat because the tiger play a key role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
I live in the ocean. You can find me in all the oceans except for the arctic ocean. I eat krill. i am the largest animal on earth.WHO A I?
I am the blue whale
How can we use natural items instead of using Elephants trunks?
The solution is that humans need to stop killing Elephants to take their tusks and trunks to make with them things like, musical instruments.So we need to use something renewable instead of their tusks.
I have salty water.I am so big.And sometimes i be dark blue and sometimes i am light blue
The ocean!
where do snow leopards live?
snow leopard live in Asia
Why are snow leopards are endangered?
Snow leopards are endangered because of habitat loss and also they dont have alot of food and they dont have shelter and they freeze from cold and humans hunt them
Why are blue whales endangered?
Blue Whales are endangered because they
Face multiple threats placing them on the endangered species list. These threats include commercial whaling,noise,pollution,ship strikes, and climate change. Hope you learned about blue whales
I’m BLACK and strong. What am I?
I’m a Black Rhino
Where does black Rhino’s live?
why do people kill Black Rhinos?
Black Rhinos are killed because people can make with it jewlery,Furnitur and tables.
what is the solution to helping the black rhinoceros to survive?
You can help by stoping hunting and poloushun.
Why are whales endangered?
Because people keep on polluting.
They are also dying because whaling factories are hunting them.
What is the animals name?
The name of the animal is a panda. When pandas are born their pink and their blinded 6 weeks later they see better.
Where do pandas live in
What habitat name can a panda live in
Where a panda lives can it have pandas around them
Giant pandas can live in a rainforest because they like warm weathers
A panda lives in forests with high mountains of southwest of china
A panda lives in any kind of forest
How could we save pandas?
People should stop cutting bamboo. People should realize pandas are dying. People should use something else than bamboo.