Equivalent Fractions
Write a fraction equivalent to 3/4.
What is 6/8?
Choose which of these statements is true: 3/4<7/8 , 2/3=5/9, 5/10>6/14
What is 3/4<7/8
True or False : 2/3 = 4/7
What is False
True or False : 8/24 > 7/24
Find the missing number : 5/6 = ?/30
What is 25
Write a fraction that is less than 3/4
What is 2/4
Write an equivalent fraction to 7/8.
What is 21/24
What is another way of saying "Greater Than"
Bigger Than, Larger Than, or More Than
Find the missing number: 3/9 = 30/?
What is 90
Choose the correct symbol: <, >, or = 3/5 compared to 21/35
What is =