Uses of Data
Reliable Sources
Conflict Management

What is data?

Data is information and __________.

Stories                       Facts                     Numbers



Complete the sentence.

An analogy is a _____________ between two things 

Conflict                   Comparison                   Gap



Complete the definition.

A ________________ is where information comes from. 

A. Location 

B. Source 

C. Analysis 

D. Fact 

B. Source


Complete the statement. 

Conflict management involves using __________ to handle disagreements or problems with others.

Discussions        Strategies                    Resources



Complete the statement. 

____________ is content such as news programs, movies and television shows.

Digital Media                             Television Media                           Radio Media

Television Media


You are planning a school fair, and you want to know which game is the most popular. What would be the best way to collect this data?

A) Ask one friend

B) Watch a movie about a school fair

C) Guess the answer

D) Survey the entire class

D) Survey the entire class


Complete the analogy:

Excited is to bored as play is to _________.

A. Sleep 

B. Study

C. Work

D. Laugh

C. Work


You need information about a famous person. What is the most reliable source?

A. Their official biography book

B. A random person's blog

C. A social media post with rumors

D. None of the above

A. Their official biography book


True or False? (Circle One) 

Conflict management skills are always used in healthy ways. 

( True / False )



Samantha lives in Austin, TX, and is traveling to Florida for Spring Break. She wants to know what events will be occurring when she's there. What type of media should she use?

Mass Media or Local Media

Local Media


You surveyed your teammates about the type of snacks you would have at the next rugby game.  Two friends listed chips, three listed fruit, and one listed sandwiches.  What is the best solution for which snack to have at the rugby game?

A. Bring sandwiches only.

B. Bring cookies so that no one will be disappointed for not receiving their choice.

C. Bring a mix of all three snacks that were listed.

D. Do not bring any snacks, and tell each person to bring their own.

C. Bring a mix of all three snacks that were listed.


When analyzing analogies, the symbol :: stands for -

A. is

B. is not

C. as

D. equals 

C. as


Noah is researching The Alamo for a school project. He finds a letter written by a soldier who fought the battle at the library. Is the letter a primary or secondary source? (Circle one)

Primary                       Secondary



Van is playing video games in the living room. Van’s younger brother Jacob wants to watch TV and asks if he can watch Netflix. Van yells “No!’ and throws the controller towards Jacob. Jacob leaves the living room and goes to watch another TV.

Was Van conflict management skill: healthy or unhealthy? (Circle One)

( Healthy / Unhealthy )



There are 5 types of media. Radio media, social media, digital media, and TV media. Which one is missing? 

Print Media 


Farran needs to study for an upcoming test.  When she studied for 5 minutes, she made a 60.  When she studied for 15 minutes, she made a 75.  She wants to study for a longer time tonight but she also has dance practice.  If she wants to make at least a 90, what should be her solution?

A. Skip dance practice and study for 6 hours

B. Study for 15 minutes then go to practice

C. Study for 15 minutes, go to dance practice, then study for 15 more minutes

D. Listen in class, and go to dance practice

C. Study for 15 minutes, go to dance practice, then study for 15 more minutes


Complete the analogy.

Hot : cold :: awake : ___________

dazed                alert               asleep



Karina is investigating the history of space exploration. She comes across a video documentary about the first moon landing. Is the documentary a primary or secondary source? (Circle one)

Primary                       Secondary



Shakira, Darius, Anna and Hanh are assigned to the same group for a science project. They must present their research on a poster. Shakira and Hanh want to use white, while Darius and Anna want to use blue. They decide to use a white poster and write in a blue marker. What conflict management skill did the group use? 

A. Collaborating

B. Compromising

C. Accommodating

D. Competing

B. Compromising


Daisy is a cooking influencer. She shares her recipes and nutrition on Instagram. Every week she does an Instagram Live broadcast where her followers can ask her questions and recommend new menu items. What type of media is being described? 

Social Media


During 6th grade lunch, the cafeteria staff recorded data on how many students choose milk to drink with their lunch.  153 students had milk.  When the other 102  were asked why they did not choose milk, most said they preferred to drink water.  What solutions would help all students have an option for drink choice at lunch? Select all that apply.

A. Continue to only serve milk because the other students did not complain.

B. Install refillable water bottle stations in the cafeteria.

C. Provide bottled lunch to be purchased in the cafeteria line.

D. Serve juice, soda, and other drink options.

B. Install refillable water bottle stations in the cafeteria.

C. Provide bottled lunch to be purchased in the cafeteria line.


Complete the analogy. 

Flavor : Bland :: Delicious : _____________

Disgusting   Good  Tasteful 

Identify the type of analogy, then explain how the pairs are related. 

The analogy is a(n) ______________, because they are ________________.

Flavor : Bland :: Delicious : Disgusting

The analogy is an antonym, because they are opposite. 


DeShawn is researching the history of cars. There are many sources on cars available. Which of the following is not a primary source?

A. An interview with a person who designed the first car

B. A diary entry about a road trip

C. A book written by a historian analyzing the evolution of car designs

D. A photograph taken at an early car show showcasing vintage models

C. A book written by a historian analyzing the evolution of car designs


Aisha, Stephon and Riley get to watch 30 minutes of television before bed. Aisha and Stephon want to watch videos on YouTube, but Riley would prefer to watch Frozen. Aisha and Stephon agree to watch Frozen because Riley is the youngest and may start crying if she does not get her way. What conflict management skill did Aisha and Stephon use?

A. Collaborating

B. Compromising

C. Accommodating

D. Competing

C. Accommodating


Alana loved watching DIY videos on the internet. One day, she watched a video about making bracelets and decided to make one for all of her friends. She loves learning new skills online. What type of media is being described? 

Digital Media
