Similarities & Differences
Fact & Opinion

What can sorting and categorizing help us do?

A. Make a mess

B. Organize things to understand them better

C. Lose things

D. Create a puzzle

B. Organize things to understand them better

What does it mean to make an inference when reading?

A. To memorize facts

B. To draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning

C. To skip parts of the text

D. To read aloud to others

B. To draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning


"The Earth orbits the Sun". Is this statement a fact or an opinion?

A. Fact

B. Opinion

C. Both

D. Neither

A. Fact

Define emotional and logical reactions.

Emotional reactions involve feelings 

Logical reactions involve facts and reasoning


Sarah is comparing two animals, a lion and a giraffe. Identify one similarity and one difference between the lion and the giraffe.
A. Similarity: Both are mammals. Difference: Lions have a mane, giraffes don't.

B.Similarity: Both are birds. Difference: Lions have spots, giraffes have stripes.

C.Similarity: Both are reptiles. Difference: Lions eat plants, giraffes eat meat.

D.Similarity: Both are insects. Difference: Lions have wings, giraffes have long necks.

A. Similarity: Both are mammals. Difference: Lions have a mane, giraffes don't.


Compare a bicycle and a car. Identify one similarity and one difference between them.

Similarity: Both have wheels

Difference: Bicycles are pedal-powered, cars use an engine

In the story, the author writes, "The sky turned dark, and the wind howled through the trees". What can you infer from this sentence?

A. It's a sunny day

B. It's flooding outside

C. A storm is approaching

D. The characters are happy

C. A storm is approaching


Which of the following statements is an opinion?

A. The sun rises to the East

B. Water is a solid when it freezes

C. Pizza is the best food in the world

D. Houston is a city in Texas

C. Pizza is the best food in the world


If your friend accidentally steps on your homework and rips it what is a logical reaction?

A. Yell at your friend

B. Understand that accidents happen and calmly discuss the situation

C. Spread a rumor about your friend ruining things

B. Understand that accidents happen and calmly discuss the situation.


Arrange the following objects into two categories: "Things found at the beach" and "Things found in the forest."

Seashell, Pinecone, Sandcastle, Acorn, Crab, Butterfly

 A. Beach: Seashell, Sandcastle, Crab. Forest: Pinecone, Acorn, Butterfly.

B.Beach: Seashell, Pinecone, Sandcastle. Forest: Acorn, Crab, Butterfly.

C.Beach: Pinecone, Acorn, Butterfly. Forest: Seashell, Sandcastle, Crab

D.Beach: Pinecone, Crab, Butterfly. Forest: Seashell, Sandcastle, Acorn.

 A. Beach: Seashell, Sandcastle, Crab. Forest: Pinecone, Acorn, Butterfly.


Which of the following is NOT an example of sorting and categorizing?

A. Sorting your socks by color

B. Grouping your toys by size

C. Mixing your snacks together

D. Alphabetizing your books 

C. Mixing your snacks together


Why is it important for readers to engage in the thought process behind making inferences? 

A. To memorize facts

B. To impress friends with vocabulary

C. To draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning

D. To skip parts of the text

C. To draw conclusions based on evidence and reasoning


What is a rumor?

A. A statement that can be proven true or false

B. A widely accepted and well-supported idea

C. A piece of information that is spread without confirmation
D. An opinion shared by many people

A. A piece of information that is spread without confirmation


If a student refuses to participate in a group project, what is a likely consequence?

A. The student will receive extra credit

B. The group project will be more successful without the student's involvement

C. The student may miss out on valuable learning experiences and a good grade

C. The student may miss out on valuable learning experiences and a good grade


Which response is more likely to be an emotional reaction to a problem?

A.Taking a deep breath and thinking about possible solutions.

B.Crying and shouting without considering the consequences.

C.Seeking advice from a teacher or a trusted adult.

D.Writing down the problem and brainstorming possible outcomes.

B.Crying and shouting without considering the consequences.


If you are completing a Venn diagram with one circle labeled "Fruits" and the other circle labeled "Colors", where should you write "Banana"

A. In the circle for "Fruits"

B. In the circle for "Colors"

C. In the overlapping area

D. In the space outside both circles

A. In the circle for "Fruits"


How can a graphic organizer help you make inferences?

A. By providing a summary of the story

B. By organizing information visually to support inference-making

C. By listing random facts

D. By including only pictures with no words

B. By organizing information visually to support inference-making


"Many believe that aliens have been spotted in the town".  Is this a statement a rumor or conjecture?



What could be  consequence of reacting angrily when facing a challenging math problem?

A. Better understanding of the math problem

B. Improved problem-solving skills

C. Negative impact on relationships with classmates

D. Increased confidence in math 

C. Negative impact on relationships with classmates


If someone drops spaghetti sauce on your favorite drawing, which response is more likely to be emotional?

A.Calmly suggesting a solution to clean the drawing.

B.Bursting into tears and yelling at the person who dropped the food.

C.Thinking through the best way to remove the stain without ruining the drawing.

D.Finding a towel to help clean up the mess without showing strong emotion.

B.Bursting into tears and yelling at the person who dropped the food.


Create a Venn diagram with one circle labeled "Pets" and the other "Farm Animals". Place "Cat" in the appropriate section. 

A. In the circle for "Pets"

B. In the circle for "Farm  Animals"

C. In the overlapping area

D. In the space outside both circles

C. In the overlapping area


When reading a science article about a volcano, the author mentions, "The ground trembled, and hot lava flowed down the mountain". What can you infer from this information?

A. The weather is cold 

B. There is a picnic on the mountain

C. The volcano is erupting

D. The volcano is sleeping

C. The volcano is erupting


What is the difference between a rumor and conjecture?

A rumor is information spread without confirmation; conjecture is an inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence.

If a student reacts with frustration when losing a game, what could be a predictable consequence?

A. Improved sportsmanship

B. Positive impact on friendships

C. Increased enjoyment of the game 

D. Others may not want to play games with the student in the future

D. Others may not want to play games with the student in the future


Compare the consequences of a logical reaction to making a mistake versus an emotional reaction. Which statement is correct?

A.Logical reactions always lead to negative consequences.

B.Emotional reactions always lead to positive consequences.

C.Logical reactions may lead to better problem-solving, while emotional reactions may strain relationships.

D.Emotional reactions are more beneficial than logical reaction

C.Logical reactions may lead to better problem-solving, while emotional reactions may strain relationships.
