
listen to this story then answer questions...

Sally was waiting for her mom to pick her up from school. As she waited, she looked at her homework. Then a strong wind blew the paper from his hands. Sally chased after it. Finally, the paper hit a tree and stuck to it. Sally was happy to find it and get her homework back before her mom's car pulled up.

Where does Sally find her homework?

LIsten to the story again

A. at home

B.  at school

C.  on a bus

D. on a tree

D.  on a tree

the homework paper got stuck to a tree


Which word Rhymes with Ship?

 street,                 boat,               lip,                 hat 


the answer is the image of the lip 

LIP Rhymes with SHIP


which word is spelled correctly

A. storys

B. stories

C. storeeyz

D. storey's

B. stories


Look at the picture

This is a tornado

say the three syllables of tornado

student says 

tor- na-do


Which word belongs in the blank?

She had to ________ a project for her science class.

A. chooze

B. choose

C.  chose

D.  chews

B. choose


listen to this passage and answer questions...

Arizona has many cool hiking trails. The state has beautiful forests, deserts, and mountains that provide hours of hiking. Arizona supplies specific trail information for hikers. There are maps and guides to help hikers be ready to safely explore Arizona.

What is the MAIN IDEA of this passage?

A.   Hikers explore canyons

B.  Hikers use maps and guides

C.  Arizona is a great place to hike

D.  Arizona has forests

the answer is C. AZ is a great place to hike


What is the base word of bullied?

A. ied

B.  lied

C.  bully

D.  bul

BULLY is the base word of bullied


which sentence uses punctuation correctly?

A. The children's jackets are hanging in the closet.

B. the Childrens jacket's are hanging in the closet

C. The childrens' jackets are hanging in the closet.

D. The childrens jackets' are hanging in the closet.

A. The children's jackets are hanging in the closet.


look at this list of words;

read each word to me




student reads words


which word belongs in the blank?

They _____________ to the Grand Canyon.

A. are travel

B. is traveling

C. was traveling

D. are traveling

D. are traveling


look at the pictures and listen as I read the words.

Which picture has the same first sound as penguin 

Pen the picture of the PEN has the same first sound as PENGUIN


The wolves __________ in the distance.

Which word belongs in the blank?

A.  loudly

B. howled

C. white

D. smelled

B . Howled 

The wolves howled in the distance.


Which sentence uses capital letters correctly?

A. Chloe read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for her book report.

B. chloe read Harry Potter for her book report.

C. Chloe read harry potter for her book report.

A. Chloe read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for her book report.


look at these pictures; and answer in a complete sentence..

Tell me one way the objects are similar.

students responds in a complete sentence 


Which sentence is correct?

A. Denise organize her house yesterday.

B. Denise organizes her house yesterday.

C. Denise organized her house yesterday

D. Denise organizing her house yesterday.

C. Denise organized her house yesterday.


As soon as Mark gets to band practice, he plays with his friends. Afterwards they help the teacher get the band room set up. Before she plays her instrument, she cleans it. Practicing songs follows cleaning instruments.

listen to the passage again and then answer a question.

What does Mark do after cleaning band instruments.

A. Recess

B. Lunch

C. cleaning

D. practicing songs

the answer is D. practicing songs

Practicing songs FOLLOWS cleaning instruments


If this list was in alphabetical order, which words would be last?







   A.  bath, before

   B.  bask, binder

    C.  before, binder

   D. bask, binder 

C. before, binder


which sentence is correct?

A.  I having three puppies.

B. I haves three puppies.

C.  I have three puppies.

D.  I has three puppies.

C.  I have three puppies.


look at this picture ; ask me a question about this picture...

asks a question about the given picture


Which sentence is correct?

A.  The doctor cleaned his office last week.

B.  The doctor cleaning his office last week.

C.  The doctor is clean his office last week.

D.  The doctor cleans his office last week.

A. The doctor cleaned his office last week.


listen to the passage...

Frogs and toads are both amphibians. Frogs have longer legs and smooth skin. Toads, on the other hand, have short legs and rough warty skin.

How are Frogs and Toads the same?

A. rough warty skin

B. Long legs

C. both amphibians

D. short legs

C. both are amphibians


look at the dictionary entry for the word capacity.

ca-pac-i-ty - (ke pas e te) n. ,pl. ties 1. The ability to contain, absorb, or receive

2. all that can be contained; volume

which part of speech is the word capacity?

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. noun

D. verb

C. noun


Which word or words belong in the blank?

The class _________  the zoo for a field trip.

A.  goes

B. are go

C.  is going to

D.  will going

C. is going to



In Arizona, there are many cool things to do in the Spring.

student repeats


what are the syllables of this picture

stra ber ry

3 syllables
