What voice level should you use in the library?
Level 0 when Mrs. Farrell or Mrs. McCombie is talking. Level 1 or 2 at your tables to talk to each other.
What do you do if you're not finished with your book by the time it is due?
Renew it! You may renew books one time to keep them for another cycle.
Do you throw, rip, stomp on, draw on, eat on, drink around library books?
What are the two main types of books in our library?
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Where do I find Dogman books?
In the Graphic Novel section
How many books can you check out?
1 or 2 books - only if you returned your other library books.
What should I do with worksheets or projects I am turning in?
Put them in the shelf marked with my teacher's name. (Near the sink.)
Where do you keep your hands when you are sitting on the floor or the tables?
In your lap or calmly on the table
Where can I find sports books?
Sports books are in the 700s in the NONFICTION section.
When searching for a book to check out, what should you use in place of the book on the shelf?
A Shelf Marker
How do you sit on the floor?
Quietly and still, facing the teacher.
Where do I check out my library books?
At Mrs. Farrell or Mrs. McCombie's desk. Please make a line and be polite and patient! :)
What do I do if I've lost a library book?
Talk to Mrs. Farrell or Mrs. McCombie!
Where can I find new books?
In the display shelves at the front of the library.
Can I return my book on a day that is NOT my library day?
Yes! You can return books in the morning during arrivals. Give them to Mrs. Farrell or Mrs. McCombie OR put them in the book return bin by Mrs. Farrell's desk.
What kind of feet should you have in the library?
Walking feet
How do I check out an E-book?
In MackinVia through Destiny! Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. McCombie will review how to do this. There are a LOT of popular books available in an E version!
What should you do when it's time to leave the library?
Clean up your table and push in your chair, and WALK to line up at the door.
What section in the library has books about famous people?
The biography section. BONUS: where is that?
What are some things I should not be doing in the library?
Eating, drinking, running, making messes.
Where do I put books that I pull off the shelf and decide I don't want?
On the Carts next to Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. McCombie's desks.
What is the app/website that we use to look up books in our library called?
DESTINY! It is our library's catalog.
Should I roll around on my chair?
Definitely not! This is not an expected behavior in the library. Chairs stay at your table.
Where can I find GRAPHIC NOVELS?
In the back of the nonfiction section near the windows.
How is the FICTION section organized? (Hint: look at the top of the shelves!)
Alphabetically by AUTHOR'S LAST NAME.