Founded in 1865 by an Army surgeon, Mississippi’s original old-school pharmacy is known for slugburgers and milkshakes.
Borroum’s Drug Store & Soda Foundation
What term is used when many depositors withdraw their money at once often leading to a bank failure?
bank run
A nations’ money system when gold could be exchanged for a set number of dollars.
gold standard
Who was the charismatic British Prime Minister who inspired his people to resist the Germans?
Winston Churchill
Japanese _________________ pilots deliberately crashed their planes loaded with explosives into American ships.
Today, Corinth is still a junction for the __________ Southern and __________ Southern railroads.
Norfolk, Kansas City
In the Depression shantytowns were often called "_____________________," blaming the president for their plight.
To inform and reassure citizens, Franklin Roosevelt addressed them directly by radio in what were called...
fireside chats
As Hitler began to claim lands for Germany, other nations followed a policy of _____________________________, or giving in to his demands in exchange for peace.
What was the code name for the Allied invasion of France called?
Operation Overlord
Originally the crossroads for the Memphis & ___________ and Mobile & _____________ railroads, Corinth served as the link between the North and South during the Civil War.
Charleston, Ohio
Beginning in 1932, America’s pastures and wheat fields on the Great Plains became a ______________________.
dust bowl
What was the New Deal program that offered employment to young men planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs?
Civilian Conservation Corps
Name for the German Air Force
What was the American program to build an atomic bomb called?
Manhattan Project
With such history, it’s no wonder Corinth has earned itself several nicknames, such as the Cross City, the Crossroads of the South, the Gateway City, and even __________________ —all stemming from the city’s role as a railroad junction.
Little Chicago
What was the first feature-length animated film/cartoon?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1935 provided more protection for ____________, the abolition of ________ labor, and ___________ work week.
workers, child labor, a 40 hour
The political union of Germany and Austria was called ____________________.
Where did American military planners decide to invade so B-29s could be refueled on their way to bomb Japan?
Iwo Jima
The ______________ was fought 20 miles north of Corinth in 1862
Battle of Shiloh
The great stock market crash happened in what year?
Perhaps the most serious threat to President Roosevelt from the left came from this Democratic senator. Name him.
Huey Long
Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on ____________________________ (month, day, and year).
December 7, 1941
The Allied invasion of Normandy took place on ____________________________ (mdy)
June 6, 1944