The unbalanced trade system in which the "mother country" takes economic advantage of the 13 colonies.
What is mercantilism?
This war was also know as the "Seven Years War"
What is the French and Indian War?
The first constitution of the US
What is the AOC?
The belief that it is their God given right to expand west for the Atlantic to the Pacific.
What is Manifest Destiny?
The president during the Civil War
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This man controlled the oil industry in the US
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
This foreign policy supports a country spreading its influence and power around the world
What is Imperialism?
The fear of the rise of Communism
What is the Red Scare?
The trade that includes Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
What is the Trans-Atlantic Trade?
The end of the French and Indian war caused this policy to come to a close
What is Salutary Neglect?
The strength of the AOC
What is managing new territories?
Expanding voting from white male landowners to all white males is called
What is universal manhood suffrage?
This doc. legally ended slavery in the South.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
This man controlled the steel industry in the US
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This ship exploded outside of Cuba causing the Spanish American War to begin
What is the USS Maine?
The three Rs that addressed the Great Depression
What is relief, recovery, reform?
The first permanent English colony in North America
What is Jamestown?
This Treaty ended the French and Indian War
What is the Treaty of Paris 1763?
The weakness of the AOC
What is weak central government?
This form of gov. sought to expand voting rights and strengthen the executive branch
What is Jacksonian Democracy?
The commanding general for the Confederacy
Who is Robert E. Lee?
This provided railroad transportation across America
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
The calvary led by Teddy Roosevelt in the SA War
Who are the rough riders?
This woman changed the precedent for the first lady
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
This group of Native Americans did not get along with colonist once the population increased.
Who are the Powhatans?
This law prohibited colonist from traveling west of the Appalachian Mts.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
This President expanded the powers of the Presidency with the Louisiana Purchase
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This event challenged the authority of the federal gov. under the Jackson Admin.
What is the Nullification Crisis?
The president of the Confederacy
Who is Jefferson Davis?
This battle resulted in the massacre of 300 Sioux Indians
What is the battle of Wounded Knee?
The president during WWI
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
This president was blamed for his lack of attempts to recover from the Great Depression
Who is Herbert Hoover?
This trade route included Africa and the Americas
What is the Middle Passage?
This was a popular outcry amongst colonist towards Great Britain after Salutary neglect ends
What is "no taxation without representation"?
3 out of the 5 characteristics of the Constitution
Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Pop. sovereignty, Limited Gov.
This was the largest slave rebellion in America
What is Nat Turner's rebellion?
This battle began the Civil War
What is Fort Sumter?
The resentment of immigrants by native-born Americans
What is Nativism?
The message from Germany to Mexico(cause of entering WWI)
What is the Zimmerman Telegram?
The cause of the Dust Bowl
What is drought and over farming?
The first elected legislative body in the 13 colonies
What is the House of Burgesses?
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are considered
What are natural rights?
This compromise created a bicameral legislature
What is the Great Compromise?
This document was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.
What is the Declaration of Sentiments?
The President following Abraham Lincoln's assassination
Who is Andrew Johnson?
This man was the founder of the AFL
Who is Samuel Gompers?
Woodrow Wilson's plan to prevent another World War
What are the Fourteen points?
These forms of entertainment created a national culture
What is radio, movies, and sports?
The effect once Great Britain left the colonist to themselves
What is Salutary Neglect?
This battle was considered a turning point in the AR
What is the battle of Saratoga?
This war resulted in a stalemate and nationalism
What is the War 1812?
These two people grew up on a plantation and later left to speak out against slavery
Who are the Grimke Sisters?
This agency provided aid to newly freed slaves and poor whites
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
This man invented the light bulb, motion, pictures, and the phonograph
Who is Thomas Edison?
This man was arrested for violating the Espionage Act
Who is Eugene Debs?
Name at least one influential artist during the Harlem Renassance
Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Louis Armstrong
The author of "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Who is Jonathan Edwards?
The two men assigned to train troops at Valley Forge
Who is Marquis de Lafayette and Baron von Steuben?
John Adams lost the presidency in this election year.
What is the election of 1800?
The 3 parts of the Missouri Compromise.
Maine Free, Missouri Slave, 36 30 line
This Compromise allowed Rutherford B. Hayes to become President and removed troops from the South.
What is the Compromise of 1877?
These new farming practices interrupted the hunting patterns of the Sioux
What are new plows and barbed wire?
The two reasons for the Great Migration
What is jobs and Jim Crow Laws?
Consumerism in the U.S was driven by
What is advertisements?
The form of self government in the New England colonies
What are town meetings?
The military camp for the Patriots during the AR.
What is Valley Forge?
Give 2 out of the 4 reasons for declaring war with Britain in 1812
British interference with trade, Impressment, Arming NA, Desire to drive out Britain form North America
The 10th amendment states that
Any power not given to the fed. gov. goes to the states
The two Reconstruction plans
What is Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction?
The chief of the Sioux
Who is Sitting Bull?
The Central Powers in WWI
Who is Germany and Austria-Hungary?
The average percentage of unemployment during the Great Depression?
What is 25%
What is the first and last name of the man that rebelled against the House of Burgesses
Who is Nathaniel Bacon?
What are the results of the Treaty of Paris 1783?
Ended AR, US rec. as independent nation, US gained all land south of Quebec, Miss. river is west border
The 3 provisions of the NW Ordinance
Outlawed slavery in NW, Outlined procedures to be a state, reserved funds to improve education
These two additions supported the idea that Polk supported westward expansion
What is Texas and Oregon?
What is 5?
The AFL stands for
What is the American Federation of labor?
How many Americans died on the Lusitania
What is 128?
Name 5 causes of the Great Depression
Bank failure, Underconsumption, Overspending, overproduction, stock market crash, stock market speculation