Since women weren't allowed to be soldiers, how did women help during the war?
They would cook, repair clothing, take water to the battlefield, and treat wounded soldiers.
How did Catherine Ferguson pay back the women for her generosity when she gained her freedom? (A woman paid for Catherine to be free from slavery.)
She helped 48 neglected children.
Bett aka Elizabeth Freeman was the 1st enslaved person to be free in what state?
What did Martha Bell do when the British soldiers overtook her home and mill?
Martha didn't run away. She stayed, spied on these soldiers, and gave important information to the Patriots.
What is Elizabeth Hamilton most known for?
Being Alexander Hamilton's wife was a writer of political essays, and she also had writers tell about her husband's life and ideas.
What does it mean to be a camp follower?
American women who followed the army to provide services to the soldiers.
Catherine Ferguson helps kids find a way to read and write even though she ________ _______ ______.
She didn't know how to read and write.
How did Elizabeth Freeman hear about the Constitution, "all men are born free and equal."
She overheard it when she was serving dinner.
Who are the Patriots?
Patriots were colonists fighting for independence.
She created the first private orphanage in New York City? What is an orphanage?
a place for housing and caring for orphans (children without parents)