This instrument has strings and is played with a bow. What family does it belong to?
The String Family
What does F mean in music?
What movie was the very first song of the symphony from?
Star Wars
What is beat?
The heart/ pulse of the music
This lasts for one beat?
Quarter note/ Ta
What family is the piano in?
The Percussion Family
What symbol means soft or quiet?
When do we clap at the symphony?
When the maestro's hands go down
What is used at the beginning of a song to show that the music is going to be on the high part of the piano?
Treble clef
Name the four instrument families.
Strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion)
What doe mp mean?
medium soft/ medium quiet
Who leads the orchestra and keeps the music together?
The conductor/ maestro
What does tempo mean?
How fast or slow the music is
This lasts for two beats?
Half note
What is the biggest woodwind instrument?
The Bassoon
What symbol means really loud?
There was a solo in our concert by a high schooler from Dubuque. What instrument did he play?
What is rhythm?
The pattern of long and short sounds in music
A ti-ti is one beat, how many beats is just one ti?
1/2 beat
Name two instruments in the percussion family that don't have the word "drum" in their name.
Cymbals, tambourine, maracas, triangle, xylophone
What does crecendo mean?
start quiet and getting louder
The last song of the symphony was from what animated movie?
How to Train Your Dragon
What do we call the way a song is set up? F___
How many beats is a dotted half note?