Slow Changes
Rapid Changes
What's That
Large bodies of salt water that surrounds a continent.
What are oceans?
When two or more pieces of the Earth's crust push together they form a _____________.
What are mountains?
Over many years, a mountain is weathered and eroded. It changes into a _________ gradually.
What is a hill?
Which of the following: erosion, a forest fire, a glacier, or weathering could be harmful to living things?
What is a forest fire?
When Earth material called lava spews out and flows down the side of the mountain where it hardens.
What is a volcanic eruption?
Large bodies of salt water that are often connected to an ocean and may be partly or completely surrounded by land.
What are seas?
An opening in Earth’s surface from which lava flows. Lava can ooze or erupt quickly.
What are volcanoes?
Tran's class visits a delta and notices a rich soil. The most likely reason for this is __________.
What is weathered rock washing into the delta by a river.
Name at least two changes in the Earth's surface due to rapid processes.
What are landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods, or earthquakes.
You find oceans, mountains, and valleys on this layer of Earth.
What is the crust?
Large, flowing bodies of fresh water that usually empty into a sea or ocean.
What are rivers?
When a river flows over a long time, it can leave a deep groove with steep sides called a _____________.
What is a canyon?
Wind and water weather rocks, breaking them into smaller pieces. Tiny pieces of rock mix with organic material to form ________ over time.
What is soil?
When Earth materials, like rock, sand, and soil, on the side of a slope or cliff drop down to a lower location. Water soaking into the ground often makes this happen.
What is a landslide?
When Earth materials that have been eroded are put in a new location. When the wind stops blowing, sand and soil may be put down in piles as large as dunes. Water may deposit its material at the end of a river and form a delta.
What is deposition?
Small, flowing bodies of fresh water that flow into rivers.
What are streams?
A lowland area between higher areas such as mountains. Sometimes rivers can wear away land to form them. The sides are gently sloped.
What are valleys?
Earth materials, like rock, sand, and soil, are being carried away from their original location. Water and wind are often the causes.
What is erosion?
When the surface of the ground shakes and rolls causing damage to the Earth’s surface, like cracks and other openings, and damage to roads and buildings.
What is an earthquake?
Molly describes a land form as flat land that spreads out over a long distance. This land form is a ___________.
What is a plain?
Huge sheets of ice that cover land. They are found where temperatures are very cold, for example, high in the mountains or near the poles of Earth.
What are glaciers?
How plains and plateaus are similar and different.
What are two land forms with large, flat areas. A plateau, however is like a mountain with the top cut off, higher than the surrounding land.
A rock breaks apart after freezing and thawing many times. This is an example of____________________.
What is weathering?
When a lot of water causes rivers and streams to overflow their banks over the surrounding land around them. Heavy rainfall in the area is usually the cause.
What are floods?
Drew went on a camp out. He took a picture of a land form where he camped. It shows a low place between mountains with gently sloping sides. He camped in a _____________.
What are valleys?