A wild Analogy appeared!
loud is to quiet as inside is to _____
How do you spell the name of our school?
*Write it
The Ronald H. Brown School
Give an example of an onomatopoeia
Any word that sounds like the noise it represents
ex) meow, crash, bang, boom, click, bang, howl
When the author is telling the story, what point of view is that?
First person or Third person?
First person
What part of speech includes people, places, things, and ideas?
What is central idea?
what the story is mostly about
What do we call nouns that are more than one?
Name 2 clue words you might see in a sequence text structure
First, next, then, last, finally, before, after
What do you do on a reading test if you do not know the answer?
Acceptable answers:
Read the question again
Read that part of the passage again
Cross out answers you know are wrong
What is it called when characters talk in a story?
What kind of book tells you factual real information?
The people or animals in a story are called?
What part of speech is the italics word?
My cat loves to watch the birds' nest in our tree.
a) noun
b) adjective
c) verb
What do you use to show characters are talking?
quotation marks
Give an example of a contraction
Ex) you'll, it's, I'm, isn't, won't, can't, they've
Which author's purpose is when the author wants to convince you to believe or do something?
What is called when to words are similar?
ex: cold and chilly
What part of speech is the italics word?
We enjoyed a delicious meal.
a) noun
b) adjective
c) verb
b) adjective
What is something you MUST always do on a reading test?
Acceptable answers:
Read the passage all the way through
Read the questions all the way through
Find text evidence
Use Strategies
Use Plug it in
What part of speech is the italics word?
Many boys in our class play soccer every day.
a) noun
b) adjective
c) verb
c) verb
Some kinds of bats eat many insects. Some bats can eat up to 600 mosquitos in one hour. Bats are helpful to the environment. They help us by eating insects. Without bats, we would have too many insects.
What is the central idea?
a. bats are mammals
b. bats eat 600 mosquitos in an hour
c. bats eat many insects
c. bats eat many insects
What is a word that means the opposite of called?
ex: on and off
Ex) concrete nouns: shoes, cup, tree
abstract nouns: friendship, sadness, hatred
Abstract noun: something that is an idea or concept, cannot be perceived with 5 senses
Write an example of a simile!
Ex) My face turned red like a tomato!
She bounced as high as the sky on her trampoline.