Main Idea
Context Clues
Pick the right one

The definition of main idea.

What the story is mostly about.

The definition of context clues.
Using clues from a story to figure out to figure out the meaning of an unknown word

What is the correct spelling:

A. Volcanos

B. Volcanoes 

C. Volkanos

D. Volckanoes

B. Volcanoes


Fix the sentence:

maddy went two walmart 

Maddy went to Walmart.

The definition of an inference.
What is using background knowledge and clues from the story to understand what is going on in the story

Horses run away from danger. If cornered, they will kick or bite. A porcupine has sharp quills that protect it from its enemies. Opossums play dead to avoid danger. A kangaroo kicks out with its powerful hind legs. What is the main idea of this passage?

animals defend themselves in different ways to avoid danger


Our hockey team was far superior to any other team in the league. We had not lost a game yet! What does "superior" mean?

best/better than the rest


What is the correct spelling:

A. Emptying

B. Emptiing

C. Empting

D. Emptyiing



Fix the sentence: 

the babe would not stop criing?

The baby would not stop crying.


Every day for two weeks, Gabby asked if it was her birthday yet. She was looking forward to her party. On the day before the party, she kept asking if it was time every few hours. How was Gabby feeling?



Main Idea: Kangaroo tails are muscular, long and thick at the base. Which is a supporting detail? A. Their tails help them balance and turn when they're hopping. B. Kangaroos also have a pouch, where they carry their babies. C. Kangaroos live in Australia. D. Kangaroos kick their hind legs to defend themselves against predators.

A. Their tails help them balance and turn when they're hopping.


The boy lingered in the stands after the concert. He was hoping to watch the band members pack up. What does "lingered" mean?

to stay around


Which sound-alike words is correct?

The ____(mail/male) man ran from the dog _____ (through/threw) the woods and over the fence.

Mail and through


When is Ms. Lognion's birthday?

June 26th!


Bobby's dog Pilot somehow got loose. Bobby hasn't seen him for several days. Bobby doesn't feel like eating, and he can't sleep. He just wants Pilot to come home. How does Bobby feel about losing his dog?



What is the story about:

There are eight planets in the Solar System, and each one is very different. Some planets, like Jupiter and Saturn are very large. Others, like Mercury and Mars are smaller. Jupiter has moons that are larger than Mercury. The planets also have different atmospheres. Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn have atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. The atmosphere on Venus is made up of carbon dioxide. Earth has a nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere. Neptune’s atmosphere is mostly hydrogen. The planets also have different temperatures. Uranus is the coldest and Venus is the hottest.

The eight planets in the Solar System are very different.


Keep your speech concise to save time. We have many students who need to present their reports. What does "concise" mean?



Mark up the word correctly using your white board: happy add the suffix 'ness'

happiness (check whiteboard)


Jason's mom worked hard for what they had. His father passed away years ago, and their tiny apartment on the third floor seemed to get smaller every day. Every day that he went to school, he was jealous of the fancy clothes other kids had. That night he talked to his mom and understood their situation. He then watched the news and saw how others had less than him. What is a possible theme for this story or what did Jason learn?

Be thankful for what you have.


Hank fell off his brand new bicycle. He cut his leg, so he went home to clean the cut. He could not stop the bleeding. His mom decided to take him to the doctor. What will most likely happen next?

the doctor will put stitches on his leg


Charles Lindbergh was a famous pilot. He was the first person to fly alone nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. He made his flight in 1927. Lindbergh was born in 1902. When he was eight, he saw his first plane. After that, all he dreamed of was flying. When he grew up, he bought an airplane. He had a job delivering airmail. It was a scary job; he had to fly in all kinds of weather. Twice he had to parachute to safety. In 1919 a prize was offered for the first nonstop flight between New York and Paris. A group of men gave Lindbergh money to build a plane that could make such a flight. Lindbergh named his plane the Spirit of St. Louis. On May 20, 1927, Lindbergh set off on his journey. He took off from New York and headed toward Canada. His first problem came when ice began forming on the wings of the plane. This was dangerous. Too much ice could cause the plane to crash. Lindbergh was lucky. After the plane flew out of the clouds, the ice began falling off. His next problem was staying awake for almost a day and a half! Finally, on May 21, after more than 33 hours of flying, the Spirit of St. Louis landed in Paris. Crowds of people were waiting for Lindbergh. They ran across the fields to cheer him. Charles Lindbergh became a hero to the world overnight.

What is the main idea of the passage “Charles Lindbergh”? A. Lindbergh flew his own plane as part of his job. B. Lindbergh built a plane to fly across the country. C. Lindbergh was recognized by many for his flying abilities. D. Lindbergh was interested in planes at an early age.

C. Lindbergh was recognized by many for his flying abilities.


The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does "capacity" mean?

the largest amount possible


Mark up the word correctly using your whiteboard: cry add the suffix 'ing'

crying (check the whiteboard)


Write one complete and correct sentence to answer the question: 

What do you plan to do for Spring Break?

Check papers.


Jenny was nervous about her math test. It really wasn't her best subject. She studied hard every night for a whole week. After the teacher handed out the tests, Jenny looked her copy over and smiled. What probably caused James to smile?

she knew she was going to do well or she knew how to do all the things on the test
