Energy All Around Us
Animals + more
Plants, Plants, and more Plants
Solar System
Surprise Me!
A cup of hot water loses energy as it sits on a kitchen counter. What is the best way to measure the amount of energy lost? A. Use a balance to measure the change in mass B. Use a ruler to measure the change in height of the water C. Use a graduated cylinder to measure the change in volume D. Use a thermometer to measure the change in temperature
D. use a thermometer to measure the change in temperature
What do all vertebrates have in common? A. skin type B. a backbone C. number of limbs D. body shape
B. backbone
Mrs. Roper's class was learning about parts of the plant. In what part of a plant are water, air, and sunlight changed into food? A. flower B. leaf C. root D. stem
B. leaf
Mrs. Hyder was driving her family to the beach one sunny day. The light from the sun was coming through the window onto her left arm. Her right arm was NOT in the sunlight at all. What can you infer about Mrs. Hyder's arms? A. both arms feel cool B. both arms feel warm C. her left arm feels cooler than her right arm D. her left arm feels warmer than her right arm
D. her left arm feels warmer than her right arm
Andrea was sitting on top of the playground slide. What will pull her down the slide when she lets go? A. friction B. gravity C. magnets D. the wind
B. gravity
Durning the summer months, Jahari's house gets very hot. His father will turn on the air conditioner to cool the house down. What form of energy is needed for the air conditioner to work? A. heat energy B. light energy C. electrical energy D. sound energy
C. electrical energy
Trevor observes an animal with moist skin and lungs. It lays eggs in water. To which vertabrate group does the animal most likely belong? A. amphibians B. birds C. fish D. reptiles
A. amphibians
Kamren was studying about parts of plants in his classroom. What do the leaves of a plant do to keep the plant alive? A. they provide support and allow water and nutrients to flow through them B. they absorb nutrients to help with growth C. they attract animals to help with germination D. they make the food to feed the plant
D. they make the food to feed the plant
Jakil is on a camping trip with his friends Kamren and Daniel. As the sun sets and it gets darker, Jakil notices many different lights in the night sky. What are most of the lights that Jakil can observe in the night sky? A. comets B. galaxies C. moons D. stars
D. stars
As Paola is riding her bike, there is friction between the tires and the road. If Paola stops to feel the tires, what will she most likely observe? A. the tire feels sticky B. the tires feel wet C. the tires feel cold D. the tires feel warm
D. the tires feel warm

Jayden was learning about different sources of energy. Her teacher was talking about one source that emits light, was renewable, and heats the Earth. What is the source of energy Samantha's teacher was talking about? A. the moon B. the sun C. the local power plant D. the windmills nearby

B. the sun

What do reptiles and amphibians have in common? A. they both do not have backbones B. they both lay eggs C. they both feed their babies milk D. they breath with gills
B. they both lay eggs
Jacqui was growing some plants in her apartment. Her plants are on her desk and they seem to be leaning toward the window. Why would the plants be growing towards the window? A. it was raining and the plants wanted water B. the plants wanted fresh air from the outside C. the plants needed the sunlight to make food D. the pants wer out of nutrients and needed soil
c. the plants needed the sunlight to make food
Yarisette was studying the sun online. She found many facts, some true and some false. Which of the following statements about the sun is false? A. the sun is made mostly of solids B. the sun is the largest object in our solar system C. the sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth D. the sun is a star at the center of our solar system
A. the sun is made mostly of solids
Karlene is setting up an investigation. She and her friend Samantha, use a flashlight from one point in her room to the hallway outside of her room. How can Rosa change the path of the light? A. reflect the light off a mirror B. refract the light off a mirror C. absorb the light into the mirror D. change the color of the light in the mirror
A. reflect the light off the mirror
Delana is conducting an investigation and notices that some substances are good for reflecting light, while others do not reflect at all. Which of the following objects would you infer Kara found was the best for reflecting light? A. a sheet of notebook paper B. a box of crayons C. a hand lens D. a mirror
D. a mirror
David puts a pot of water on the stove over high heat. What will happen to the water if he leaves the pot on the stove long enough? A. the water will evaporate B. the water will melt C. the mass of the water will increase D. heat will move from water to the pot
A. the water will evaporate
Brian was planting rose bushes outside his house. What three things does he have to make sure his plants receive to create their own food? A. air, soil, and water B. air, water, and fertilizer C. sunlight, water and air D. sunlight, water and soil
D. sunlight, water and soil
Tyler noticed there are many stars in the night sky. During the day, Tyler only observed the sun. What conclusion can Tyler make about the stars and the sun based on his observations? A. The sun is a planet, not a star B. The sun is the biggest star C. There are many stars other than the sun, but they are far away D. All other stars are brighter than the sun
C. there are many stars other than the sun, but they are far away
NASA launches their space shuttle every few months into outer space. What must be overcome for the shuttle to get into orbit? A. fuel B. gravity C. speed D. energy
B. gravity

Travis is at P.E. class and his teacher has setup stations for the class. Which station does NOT involve Travis and his classmates overcoming gravity? A. playing basketball B. hitting a baseball with a bat C. jumping rope D. playing freeze tag

D. playing freeze tag


Hawks have sharp claws called talons that help them survive. They also have wings that allow them to fly down and surprise their prey. Which of the following major animal groups do hawks belong to? A. fish B. reptiles C. birds D. amphibians

C. birds

Jaire started an experiment with two identical plants. She put Plant 1 in a sunny window and Plant 2 in a dark corner of the same room. She watered them the same way. At the end of the 8 weeks, Plant 1 had grown 4 inches. Plant 2 had died. What inference can you make about these plants? A. Plant 2 did not get enough water B. Plant 2 did not get enough sunlight C. Plant 2 did not get enough air D. Plant 2 did not get enough soil
B. Plant 2 did not get enough sunlight

Name the planets in order from closest to the Sun to farthest from the Sun.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Marisa was setting the table for dinner and placed glasses of ice cold tea on the table. When dinner finally started, the glasses of tea had drops of water on the outside of each glass. What scientific process did this show? A. melting B. boiling C. evaporation D. condensation
D. condensation