A figure that has 2 endpoints
What is a segment
Michael made an array with square tiles. The array is 3 tiles long and 5 tiles wide. What is the area?
A figure that extends forever in both directions
What is a line.
Brandon made an array with square tiles. The array is 5 tiles long and 2 tiles wide. What is the perimeter?
This is how we describe the area of a shape. This area is _______________.
A figure that has one end point and an arrow that extends forever in one direction.
What is a ray.
I am a quadrilateral. I have 2 sets of parallel sides. My sides are always equal but I do not have to have right angles.
A dot
What is a point
Lines that run like railroad tracks. If they keep going on forever, they would never ever touch.
Your desk has sides that never touch. What kind of lines are these?
What are parallel lines?