Song about bells
Jingle Bells
What does santa say
Ho Ho Ho amd Merry Christmas
Name 1 holiday food
Ms. Bennett will decide
Movie about something cold
Frost the Snowman
Song about reindeer
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Name 3 things santa wears
Red suit, hat, gloves, belt , boots
What do you leave out for santa to eat
cookies and milk
Movie with animals
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Song about Christmas tree
Oh Christmas Tree
Where does santa live & who is his wife
North Pole & Mrs. Clause
What is a Christmas candy
Candy canes and other chocolates
1 word Christmas movie
Song about angels
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Who makes the toys and loads the sleigh? Name 2 things they wear
Elf & pointed shoes, hat, pointed ears stockings
Name 2 Little Debbie holiday treats
Christmas tree cakes & brownies
What is a Christmas movie with a mean character
How the Grinch Stole Christmas