Louisiana Purchase
Grab Bag
these were ice sheets- over 1 mile thick that covered most of Iowa. These melted about 11,000 years ago.
What are glaciers?
Weather changes very quickly in Iowa. These changes can bring on the other name for a "twister"
What is a tornado?
After this land was bought, these two men were hired to explore the unknown land.
Who are Lewis and Clark?
The chief of the Sauk tribe was __________.
Who is Chief Black Hawk?
Explorers coming into Iowa from Europe came looking for fur-bearing animals for this reason.
What is using the fur or pelts to make fur hats that keep them warm in the cold winters?
Hills that coverer much of Iowa that extend from Sioux City past the Missouri border. These hills have fine, gray soil left by the glaciers.
What are the Loess Hills?
In the winter, Iowa gets huge snowstorms that can dump upto 3 feet of snow through out the state. The name for this winter storm is called?
What is a blizzard?
This man went along with the exploration with Lewis and Clark but died. He was burried in Sioux City.
Who is Sergeant Floyd?
The Sauk were told to move out of their land and go to Illinios for this reason.
What is white settlers coming for the fertile landscape wanting to start a new life.
Iowa has what is compared to the Great Lakes in the Northern part of the United States. Iowa gets this name because of this reason___________.
What are the Spirit Lake, Storm Lake, Clear Lake, and Okoboji Lakes are linked together, which is similar to the Great Lakes.
This part of Iowa has rich soil that is very good for farming. This spot in Iowa is well know for the farms. Hint-- This type of plain has TILL
What is the Dissected Till Plains?
Iowa gets plenty of snow each winter season. The snow is very helpful to our state in many ways. As the snow melts, Iowans use this percipitation to...
What is drinking water, keep the soil moist to use for spring planting?
This president of the United States wanted to find a water way to the Pacific Ocean,
Who is President Thomas Jefferson?
This war was between the Sauk tribe and the United States. The Sauk felt that the United States stole their land.
What was the Black Hawk War?
When in Iowa, you may see some of these beautiful birds flying around. They are also our state bird.
What is the golden finch?
The Driftless Area is not known for its rich soil but Iowa uses this part for some of these favorite activities.
What is camping, hiking, and canoeing?
Hot, muggy summers may be miserable for us, but this weather is ideal for the planting of these crops.
What are soy beans, corn, oats, and wheat?
When the United States bought the land, they found it to be a bargain. Each acre cost only... a. 5 cents b. 10 cents c. 4 cents d. 25 cents
What is C- 4 cents an acre?
In 1844, congress voted to have Iowa become a state but Iowa citizens voted against this. The reason for this was ____________.
What is the citizens felt that the proposed state was too small.
Iowa has been given the nickname "The Hawkeye State" for this reason. Hint-- has nothing to do with football.
What is The Black Hawk War. After the war, Chief Black Hawk was given honors.
Iowa has two rivers that border the east and the west side. The names of these rivers come from states. Which of these rivers do we live closest to?
What is the Missouri and the Mississippi? What is the Missouri River?
Iowa along with a few other states in the area are given a nickname for the large number of tornadoes in the area.
What is " Tornado Alley"?
The United States bought this territory from France in 1803. It cost the us_______ for all 800,000 square miles. a- 15 million dollars b- 57 million dollars c- 23 dollars d- 23 millions dollars
What is C... 23 million dollars?
Iowa has had three different capitals. Starting back in 1838 when Iowa's original territory was formed. These three locations were _____________.
What is Burlington, Iowa City, and now Des Moines?
Iowa has some of the best farming land in the United States for 3 main reasons. Hint-- 2 of them have something to do with the glaciers that were once here.
What is the till, drift, and good climate?