Pippi's monkey
Mr. Nilsson
Complete the title: Sister Fox and Brother __________
To love deeply
What's a frindle?
I am hot.
I live in the sky.
I am bright.
Don't look straight at me.
I disappear in the night.
The Sun
The theater Shakespeare partly owned
The Globe
What language did the first cowboys speak?
A person who wins first place in a contest
What did Uncle Jed want to open?
A barbershop
What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?
The plague that struck in Shakespeare's time
The Black Death
What does "fly off the handle" mean?
It means that someone is mad or can't control their temper
To argue/fight
The word for keeping black and white people separate (for bathrooms, hospitals, schools, etc.)
What becomes wetter the more it dries?
A towel
Pippi Longstocking's house
Villa Villekulla
What used to be the most dangerous job?
High scalers building dams
Someone who is paid to play a sport
Who did the Knee-High Man talk to before Mr. Owl?
Mr. Horse and Mr. Bull
What begins with T, finishes with T, and has T in it?
A teapot
What Pippi believes her father is now.
A cannibal king
What is a contronym?
A word with 2 opposite meanings.
Someone who does something for pleasure, not money
What do we call a paragraph in a poem?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?