What is 261?
Angelo is as tall as a giraffe.
What is Simile?
5 x 4
What is 20?
"Please paraphase what I missed in class yesterday," said Jenny." What were the important parts?"
What is summarize?
36 ÷ 6
What is 6?
What is 256?
Jack was so hungry that he could eat a horse.
What is Hyperbole?
6 x 3
What is 18?
Lee felt elated after he won the race. HE was giving high-fives to everyone and grinning from ear to ear!
What is happy?
12 ÷ 4
What is 3?
What is 291?
Peter is like an animal on the soccer field.
What is Metaphor?
6 x 9
What is 54?
Mrs. Adams said, " To attend a field trip, your parents must consent to letting you go."
What is agree?
24 ÷ 6
What is 4?
What is 78?
Jonathon had a hard time listening to his teacher because his stomach was screaming for food.
What is onomatopoeia?
11 x 10
What is 110?
The food at the buffet was bland. It didn't taste bad or good.
What is no taste?
100 ÷ 10
What is 10?
What is 13?
The car coughed as it passed in front of me.
What is Personification?
12 x 10
What is 120?
Rocky vowed to the police officer to never speed again to keep from gettin a ticket. Fortunately, the officer was very understanding.
What is promised?
66 ÷ 11
What is 6?