True or False?
0 x 5 = 5 x 1
What is false?
This word has two meanings:
a) to note or record your findings after watching something.
b) a comment or remark.
What is an observation?
The two main characters in Gasping Garbage are____________ and ____________.
Who are Nell Fossey and Drake Doyle?
Danny has a sticker collection. He has 5 rows with 3 stickers in each row. This is how many stickers he has in all.
What is 15 stickers?
Finish the number pattern:
0, 3, 6, 9, _____.
What is 12?
8 x 1 = _____
What is 8?
The cause of a problem.
What is a culprit?
True or False?
Drake Doyle is NOT a stickler about rules of science.
What is FALSE?
Grayson is planting tomato plants in the garden. He has 4 rows with 6 plants in each row. This is how many tomato plants he has in all.
What is 24 tomato plants?
Finish the pattern:
100, 90, 80, 70, 60, _____.
What is 50?
Fill in the blank:
There are __________ continents.
What are 7 continents?
The property that states that the product of any number and 1 is that number.
What is the Identity Property of Multiplication?
The setting of Gasping Garbage is in a small town called _____________ Lake.
What is Mossy Lake?
Fill in the blank:
Chris drew a 6 by 8 array.
Kiera drew an 8 by 6 array.
Olaf said they both have the (same/not same) product.
What is the same product?
4 groups of 4 is ______.
What is 16?
There are this many oceans in the world.
What is five oceans?
The property that states that the product of zero and any number is zero.
What is the Zero Property of Multiplication?
Fill in the blank:
James Frisco is a bad, _______ scientist.
What is a mad scientist?
Patryk is reading a book that has 8 chapters. Each chapter has 5 pages. This is how many pages the book has in all.
What is 40 pages?
0 x 9 = _______
What is 0?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! For twice the points:
The United States is located on this continent.
What is North America?
The name of the operation that fits this definition:
To combine equal groups to find how many in all; the opposite operation of division.
What is multiply?
Drake Doyle has a homemade laboratory in this room in his house.
What is the attic?
Mrs. Mangiaracina and Ms. Biolsi are rearranging the desks in their classroom. They make 7 rows with 4 desks in each row. This is how many desks there are altogether.
What is 28 desks?
This is an example of a _____ by _____ array.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The total is ________.
What is a 6 by 3 array?
The total is 18?