The plural form of the noun:
What is "wishes"?
Plural form of the noun:
What is "strawberries"?
100 points for every continent you can name correctly.
(hint: there are 7 continents)
What is....
1. Africa
2. Europe
3. Asia
4. South America
5. North America
6. Antarctica
7. Australia
A person, place, thing is called this.
What is a noun?
Complete the number pattern:
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, _____.
What is 28?
0 x 7 = 0
is an example of this property.
What is the Zero Property of Multiplication? This states that the product of any number and zero is 0.
Kiara had 21 stickers. She gave 9 of them away. This is how many stickers she has left.
Fill in the blank-
A noun is a ___________.
What is a person, place, thing, animal or feeling?
Chris R. saw 9 ladybugs. Each ladybug had 6 legs. This is how many legs the ladybugs have in all.
What is 9 x 6 = 54 legs?
200 points for every ocean you can name.
(hint: there are 5 oceans around the world)
What is......
1. Pacific Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean
5. Southern Ocean
Choose the word that best completes the sentence:
A sentence tells a (complete or incomplete) thought.
What is complete?
4 groups of 8 is equal to this.
What is 32?
is an example of this property.
What is the Identity Property of 1 or the Identity Property of Multiplication? This states that multiplying a number by 1 gives a product identical to the given number.
There were 5 students in Group A and 8 students in Group B. This is how many students we have altogether.
What is 13 students altogether?
Another word for an introduction or lead in a story is also called this.
What is a hook?
72, 40, 91, 38, 44.
What is 91?
What is a compass rose?
True or False:
The only letter that needs to be capitalized in a sentence is the first letter of the first word.
What is false?
You also need to capitalize the specific names of people, places, or things (proper nouns) no matter where they are located in a sentence.
You also need to capitalize the word "I" no matter where it is in the sentence.
For example:
There I was, standing at Stop and Shop trying to find my son Luke who had wandered away.
7 x 9 = ?
What is 63?
7 x 8 = 8 x 7
is an example of this property.
What is the Commutative Property of Multiplication? This states that the product stays the same when the order of the factors is changed.
Holden has a garden. He plants 9 rows of flowers with 8 flowers in each row. This is how many flowers he has in all.
What is 9 x 8 = 72?
The plural form of the noun:
What is teeth?
Identify the proper nouns in the sentence below:
Chris walked his dog, Barker, to McGolrick Park and they played fetch and soaked up the sunshine.
What is: Chris, Barker, and McGolrick Park?
Lines of longitude are imaginary lines that run around the Earth this way (north and south OR east and west).
What is north and south, up and down, or vertically?
400 points for each error you can find and correct in the sentence below:
The Elephants at the bronx zoo were eating their Lunchs while all the studenties watched and took pictures.
What is: elephants, Bronx Zoo, lunches, students?
8 x 8 = ?
What is 64?
8 x 9 = 8 x (4 + 5)
= (8 x 4) + (8 x 5)
= (32) + (40)
= 72
is an example of this property.
What is the Distributive Property?
Emma has 4 boxes of chocolate with 9 pieces in each box. Danny has 5 boxes of chocolate with 8 pieces in each box. This is the person who has more chocolate.
Who is Danny?
Danny has 5 x 8 = 40
Emma has 4 x 9 = 36
So Danny has more chocolate.
In school we learned many strategies on how to write interesting hooks or introductions for our personal narratives. One strategy we learned was using a SOUND WORD to start our stories.
For example, "CRACK!" The baseball broke into a million pieces after I hit the bat with such force.
This strategy is called.............
What is onomatopoeia?
100 - 39 =
What is 61?
Lines of latitude are imaginary lines that run around the Earth this way (north and south OR east and west).
What is east and west, side to side or horizontally?
500 points for every type of sentence you can name correctly.
(hint: there are 4 different types of sentences)
What is......
1. a statement
2. a question
3. a command
4. an exclamation
8 x 11 = ?
What is 88?
(5 x 6) x 2 = 5 x ( 6 x 2 )
(30) x 2 = 5 x (12)
60 = 60
is an example of this property.
What is the Associative Property? This states that changing the grouping of three or more factors does not change the product.
Olaf buys 7 boxes of pencils, with 8 pencils in each box. Patryk buys 8 boxes of pencils, with 7 pencils in each box. Jerry said they have equal amount of pencils.
Is Jerry correct or not?
Double your score if you can find how many pencils each of the boys have.
Each boy has 56 pencils each.