Main Idea
“Mrs. Cooper is my favorite teacher,” Anadalay told her friend while eating lunch. I really enjoyed the lessons in our small group. In this paragraph the word enjoy means a. Like b. Hear c. Notice d. Save
What is a. like
The Ant and the Dove A Dove saw an Ant fall into a river. The Ant struggled to reach the shore. In pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close beside it. Hanging on to the straw, the Ant floated safely to shore. Soon after, the Ant saw a man getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he threw the stone, the Ant stung him in the heel. The pain made the man miss, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant forest. A kindness is never wasted. Why did the Ant sting the man’s heel? a. the Ant was afraid the man would try to step him after he killed the Dove b. the Ant was tired and cranky after swimming to shore and took it out on the man c. the Ant wanted to help the Dove because the Dove had been kind to the Ant d. the Ant was hungry, so he decided to take a bite out of the man’s heel
What is C. the ant wanted to help the Dove because the Dove had been kind to the Ant.
When I was in the third grade, I made a really big mistake. My teacher assigned a spelling test, but I decided I would play video games all night instead of studying. That wasn't the biggest mistake I made, though. What I did after that was worse! When my teacher, Miss Crabtree, told us to clear our desks for the test, I took my word list and put it on top of my books inside my desk where I could see it. Miss Crabtree started calling out the words and I copied each of them from my word list. Suddenly, Miss Crabtree noticed what I was doing. She walked over to my desk and took my word list from me. She told me she wanted to see me after class. I knew I was in trouble then! I left class quickly that day before Miss Crabtree could talk to me about it. By the time I got home, I had forgotten all about the spelling test. I was watching television when the telephone rang. It was Miss Crabtree! She told my mother what happened in class. Boy was she mad! She took away my video games and wouldn’t let me go anywhere or do anything fun for a whole month. Plus, I had to study and retake the spelling test. So, I guess what they say really is true - cheaters never win! The main idea of this story is— a. Miss Crabtree is a really good teacher b. I learned that cheating on a test is a horrible mistake c. My mother gets mad when I get in trouble at school d. I like to play video games
What is B. I learned that cheating on a test is a horrible mistake
I don’t make my cakes very well, so I usually buy mine prebaked. In which word is pre- used the same way as in prebaked? a. preacher b. pretty c. pretest d. pretzel
What is c. pretest
If you go to a birthday party, you can infer that… a. there will be a clown b. there will be a cake c. the person is turning 10 d. you will have a bad time
What is b, c
All of the following are compound words except: a. airplane b. newspaper c. rainbow d. smarter
What is d. smarter
Read the following sentence. I searched the _____ house for my brother, but he was nowhere to be _____. Which pair of words makes the sentence correct? a. hole, seen b. whole, scene c. whole, seen d. hole, scene
What is c. whole, seen
I was late to class because I dropped my lunch tray on the floor and had to clean it up. Which word uses -ed the same way as in dropped? a. wicked b. smelled c. indeed d. speed
What is b. smelled