What is the root word of dirty?
What is a synonym for fast?
Lori spilled the beans. Now everyone knows my secret. What does spill the beans mean?
Told the secret
What is an antonym for enemy?
Someone who competes against another person
What is the root word of faster?
What is a synonym for large?
That homework was a piece of cake. What does piece of cake mean?
It was easy
What is an antonym for under?
A conversation between two or more characters in a story
What is the root word of unhappy?
What is a synonym for hungry?
famished, starving
My friends and I were about to go on the stage for our performance. My dad said, "break a leg." What does break a leg mean?
Good luck
What is an antonym for poor?
A punctuation mark indicating a pause between parts of a sentence
What is the root word of helpful?
What is a synonym for build?
The story about the scary vampire made my the hair on the back of my neck stand up. What does made my hair on the back of my neck stand up mean?
It made me scared and nervous
What is an antonym for happy?
What is a prefix?
A word, letter, or number placed before another
What is the root word of preschool?
What is a synonym for wealthy?
The car I drive cost me an arm and a leg. What does cost me an arm and a leg men?
It was expensive
What is an antonym for asleep?
What is a compound word?
A word where two or more root words are merged into a new and different word