Round to the nearest 10.
What is 30?
2 x 5 = ___
What is 10?
Find the area of the rectangle.
What is 18?
Find the perimeter of the shape below.
What is 21?
Name the fraction below.
What is 3/4?
Round to the nearest 10.
What is 100?
10 x 3 = ___
What is 30?
Find the area of the rectangle.
What is 25?
Find the perimeter of the shape below.
What is 20?
Name the fraction below.
What is 4/6?
Round to the nearest 100.
What is 200?
3 x 6 = ___
What is 18?
Find the area of the shape below.
What is 21?
Find the perimeter of the shape below.
What is 22?
Name the fraction below.
What is 2/8?
Round to the nearest 10.
What is 560?
4 x 8 = ___
What is 32?
Find the area of the shape below.
What is 29?
Find the perimeter of the shape below.
What is 30?
Name the fraction below.
What is 5/10?
Round to the nearest 100.
What is 1000?
6 x 12 = ___
What is 72?
Find the area of the shape below.
What is 48?
Find the perimeter of the shape below.
What is 31?
Name the fraction below.
What is 3/12?