In Social Studies, you learned about different types of communities. What COMMUNITY does the main character in this story live in?
Name 3 countries we learned about in this book.
Finland, Thailand, Canada, Kenya
What was the problem in this story?
They had to build their school
These words are used to describe the character on the inside--which is demonstrated by their actions, feelings, and words.
Describe two ways people get books throughout the world
There are buses, camels, boats, and mail delivery.
What happened to the school at the end of the story?
The storm took it away.
This reading strategy involves 3 steps.
Close Reading Strategy
What was Ana's problem?
Was this a fiction or nonfiction text?
Why weren't the characters upset about the school being destroyed by the storm?
Because they knew they could rebuild it and the knowledge they kept in their head.
This is the summary of a story--or the who did what and why
What was the solution to Ana's problem?
The biblioburro brought her books and she wrote her own book for everyone to read.
What community do people who struggle with getting to a library live in?
Where did Rain School take place?
Chad, Africa.
PIE is the three main reasons an author writes a book. What does it stand for?
What is the GIST of this story?
A girl didn't have any way to get books, then a biblioburro came and she wrote a book for everyone to read.
After we read this book, we used a Venn Diagram to...
Compare and Contrast our learning experience to others.
Is Rain School a fiction or nonfiction text?
To get a better understanding of something in a book--we can look at the pictures or of clues of a text to make: ____________.