Adding Whole Numbers
Subtracting Whole Numbers

What is 134,265 rounded to the nearest ten?

A. 134,270

B. 134,260

C. 130,000

D. 134,300

A. 134,270


The Falls Creek High School football team scored 310 points this year. Last year, the team scored 285 points. How many combined points did they score in the 2 seasons?

A. 327

B. 461

C. 595

D. 680

C. 595


What is 422 - 149?

A. 571

B. 561

C. 373

D. 273

D. 273


When rounded to the nearest ten, the distance from Jackson, TN to Madison, MS is 450 kilometers. Which distance could be the actual distance between these two cities?

A. 443 km

B. 446 km

C. 455 km

D. 457 km

B. 446 km


Mrs. Smith has a jar containing 585 beans. Then she adds 324 more beans to the jar. How many beans does Mrs. Smith have in the jar now?

A. 909 

B. 901

C. 809

D. 261

A. 909


A clothing store has an order for 613 sweaters. The store has already made 419 sweaters. How many more sweaters does the clothing store need to complete the order?

A. 104 sweaters

B. 194 sweaters

C. 204 sweaters

D. 206 sweaters

B. 194 sweaters


Which number is equal to 7600 when rounded to the nearest ten?

A. 7589

B. 7592

C. 7603

D. 7608

C. 7603


Which expression is equal to 782?

A. 383 + 409

B. 393 + 389

C. 412 + 380

D. 472 + 410

B. 393 + 389


Which subtraction sentence can be used to check 187 + 426? 

A. 613 - 426 = 187

B. 513 - 187 = 426

C. 426 - 187 = 239

D. 426 - 239 = 187

A. 613 - 426 = 187


Which number rounds to 1,200 when rounded to the nearest hundred, and why?

A. 1,149; 1,149 is closer to 1,200 than 1,100 on a number line.

B. 1,160; 1,160 is closer to 1,200 than 1,100 on a number line.

C. 1,230; 1,230 is closer to 1,300 than 1,200 on a number line.

D. 1,299; 1,299 is closer to 1,300 than 1,200 on a number line.

D. 1,299; 1,299 is closer to 1,300 than 1,200 on a number line.


The Eastside Pet Store sold 285 goldfish, 55 kittens, and 129 puppies last month. How many animals did they sell altogether?

A. 469

B. 459

C. 340

D. 184

A. 469


Which subtraction sentence can be used to check the sum of 258 + 425?

A. 425 - 258 = 167

B. 425 - 167 = 258

C. 783 - 425 = 167

D. 683 - 258 = 425

D. 683 - 258 = 425


Which number rounds to 18,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

A. 17,836

B. 17,962

C. 18,071

D. 18,121

B. 17,962


Which expressions have a result of 842?

Select two (2) that apply.

A. 268 + 584

B. 298 + 544

C. 324 + 528

D. 356 + 486

E. 388 + 464

B. 298 + 544

D. 356 + 486


Which expressions have a result of 367?

Select two (2) that apply.

A. 510 - 154

B. 551 - 184

C. 576 - 219

D. 616 - 249

E. 723 - 346

B. 551 - 184

D. 616 - 249
