Text Structure
Word Meanings

What text structure do the words then, next, and finally signal?



Without a word Jerry slipped down into the water and swam over to the big green lily pad of Grandfather Frog.

What does the word slipped mean?

entered, went into


Lisa wants to be a nurse when she grows up. She loves to take care of people that are sick. She always pretends to be a nurse when her friends come over to play. 

What is a character trait you can use to describe Lisa?

nurturing, caring, helpful, kind


The octopus is a sea animal. It has an interesting body. First, it has three hearts. The heart is often seen as a symbol of love. That's a lot of love! An octopus also has eight limbs. Some people call them arms or tentacles. If an octopus is scared, it will squirt ink and swim away.

How many hearts does an octopus have?

three (3)


The words "because", "therefore", and "as a result of" will be found in what type of text?

Cause and Effect


A beaver cannot bear to live alone. He is never as happy as when he has a large number of friends closeby whom he can visit everyday.

What does the word bear mean in the text?

accept, stand, endure, tolerate


Today was Lucy's first soccer game. She put on her uniform, laced up her cleats, and tied her hair back. Her heart was racing as she stepped on to the field. The whistle blew and the game began. 

How do you think Lucy is feeling?

Excited, nervous


What is the main idea of the paragraph below?

Some kinds of bats eat many insects. Some bats can eat up to 600 mosquitos in one hour. Bats are helpful to the environment. They help us by eating insects. Without bats, there would be too many insects.

Bats eat many insects


What type of structure does the paragraph below represent?

As soon as the beaver saw the dam was damaged, he struck 4 hard blows with his tail and the other beavers rushed to answer the call. The beaver gave the orders and the others went to the bank to get sticks and mud.

Problem and Solution


The doctor told me to exercise because I am too sedentary. What does the word sedentary mean?

lazy, not moving, not active


What is the main idea of the paragraph below?

Tim's dog is almost 9 years old. His name is Summer. Summer is a small dog with short, brown fur. Tim loves Summer so much. He plays with him, takes naps with him, and takes him for walks everyday. Tim has pictures of his dog all over his room. 

Summer is important to Tim


What is the main idea of the passage below?

No animal is more helpful to people than the dog. Dogs have a great sense of smell. A dog can sniff out any good treats you may have in your pocket. It can also sniff out many other things. The police dog, for example, is sometimes useful in finding missing people. 

A dog's sense of smell if helpful to people


List 3 signal words that you might see in a compare and contrast text.

but, as well as, similar to, however, different from, however, also, alike, just as, likewise


No beaver ever thinks of living alone. Sometimes he will have one companion, and sometimes a dozen or more. 

What does the word companion mean?



Tim was at the park with his dog, West. They played ball and then sat on the grass to rest. Just then, West saw a chipmunk and ran off to chase it. "Come back" yelled Tim, but it was too late and West had run away!

Tim looked all over the park and became sad when he could not find West. He sat down to cry. Just then, a little boy walked over with West in his hands. "I was playing with my sister and he came over to play with us. I think he is yours" said the boy. Tim was very happy to see West!

How are the 2 paragraphs connected?

Paragraph 1 presents and problem and paragraph 2 give the solution


Pancakes and crepes are made from flour, milk, and eggs. They are poured onto a pan and cooked until firm enough to flip. However, pancake batter has a raising agent, while crepe batter has none. That's why pancakes are thicker and fluffy while crepes are thin and flat. 

How are pancakes and crepes similar?

Both are made from flour, milk and eggs.


A recipe is an example of what type of text structure?

(cause and effect, problem and solution, sequence, description, compare and contrast)



I had quite the quandary when I forgot my lunch at home and my mom could not bring it to me. 

What does the word quandary mean?

problem, dilemma


I can't wait until the summer begins. I am going to stay at my grandmother's house for an entire month. I love being there! I enjoy helping my grandmother work in her garden. At night, we play board games and eat cookies. It is a lot of fun. When the month is over, I am not ready to leave!

What is the main idea of the passage?

The narrator enjoys spending time at their grandmother's house.


Anime and cartoons are both animated caricatures. Characters in anime have exaggerated physical features that are closer to reality. On the other hand, cartoons usually have characters that look far from reality. Cartoons are generally more comical, while anime focuses mainly on life issues. 

How is anime different from cartoons?

Anime is less comical than cartoons
